• EA Annoyance Fix
  • Uploader:
sims3 #1

I wanna present you my EA Annoyance Fix!

I'm easily annoyed by small little things that are not right, and EA has made many. So this set fixes two things:
- It makes 6 EA objects placeable to slots
- And 10 EA objects shiftable on walls.

Please see screenshots for what items have been modified.

I will also list here all the objects S3OC names, as these items will conflict with anything that changes the OBJD of those items below!

PlantFern (Base)
PlantPalm (Base)
PlantZincPotsPerennials (Base)
sculptureFloorGenBooksMessy (Generations)
sculptureFloorGenBooksNeat (Generations)

ClutterWallCorkboard (Base)
PlantWallFlowerPot (Base)
sculptureChainsaw (Ambitions)
sculptureShovel (Ambitions)
sculptureWallAwningFGRHalfRound1x1 (Ambitions)
sculptureWallAwningFGRQuarterEnd1 (Ambitions)
sculptureWallAwningFGRQuarterEnd2 (Ambitions)
sculptureWallAwningFGRQuarterEnd3 (Ambitions)
SculptureWallFranceAwning1x1 (WA)
sculptureWallFranceAwning2x1 (WA)

Above you can also see what games are required.
To use the shiftables you will also need patch 1.17/2.12/3.8/4.5/5.2/6.0 or higher.
When you download these and don't have all the games required, just delete the ones you cannot use Smile

About using these in uploads:
If and when you use these in houses you upload, please note this:
A downloader does not need to have the items, but you need to write to your upload post that they should get the mod(s) if they want to move the items, cause they will revert to normal without the mods, and add a link to the my download.

I hope you enjoy these! Have fun simming Smile

EDIT 04.07.2011
Edited the "About using these in uploads".
Had to delete plantCallaLillies from the upload, was causing freezing. Please delete it if you have it and it doesn't work for you! Also reuploaded shiftables, cause the pack had one of the placeables.
x 9

EA Annoyance Fix Screenshot EA Annoyance Fix Screenshot EA Annoyance Fix Screenshot EA Annoyance Fix Screenshot EA Annoyance Fix Screenshot EA Annoyance Fix Screenshot    
Download link
Filesize 8.22 KB | File Name armiel_placeables.rar | # of Downloads 525
File Updated 05-07-2011

Filesize 11.82 KB | File Name armiel_shiftables.rar | # of Downloads 503
File Updated 05-07-2011

#2 03-07-2011
Thank you armi Smile

#3 03-07-2011
  • Guest
Thank you, this is extremely useful!


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