sims2 #1
Do you hate the 8-sims-per-lot limit? Most likely, you do!
Do you have LotFullOfSims installed to overcome that limit? Probably!

Now there's a better way: remove LotFullOfSims, and install this mod in stead!

It's tiny, it works for ALL games, and it does NOT conflict with ANYTHING!

And here is why you want to use this mod instead of "LotFullOfSims":
Normally, the unmodded game keeps track of the number of sims and/or pets living on any lot by running a BHAV name "Lot - Full of Sims?". If the lot contains eight sims, or six sims and up to four pets, this BHAV tells the game that the lot is full. As a result, when you click a visitor, you will find no menu option for asking them to move in. Or two sims might TFB a million times and never get pregnant.
The "LotFullOfSims" mod changes several of the BHAVs that are called by "Lot - Full of Sims?" in order to manipulate the result just so new additions are posible. Any sim can move in, and TFB-ing sims can get pregnant as if there is plenty of room. However, the changes that the LFoS mod makes, cause conflicts with several other mods, including TwoJeffs' "PregForAllGenders" mod.
"Unlimited Sims" is much simpler, though. Instead of altering other BHAVs, it changes the main BHAV directly. Now, without calling any other BHAVs and thus ignoring the actualy sims/pets living here, "Lot - Full of Sims?" simply reports that only one poor, sad, lonely sim lives here without any pets and that, as a result, there is room aplenty to add more sims and/or pets. Now, there are NO conflicts with any other mods. Clean and simple.

This way, you can just use TwoJeffs' PregForAllGenders instead of AncientHighway's version, which means that you can install BO - Alien Experiments - P4A Override (which doesn't work with AH's mod), if you want to Smile

Any settings you may have in your UserStartup.cheat file to accommodate LotFullOfSims, are still useful for adding families from neighborhood view. So you can leave them where they are.
x 43

I've used quite a few mods by others, thus taking FROM the community. With the work that *I* create, I'm hoping to give something back TO the community.

Do with my work whatever the &#$% you like. If you re-use, edit and republish my work, I consider it a compliment. Especially if you let me know about it, and mention me in the credits.

But, although I would *appreciate* the note and the credits, if you choose to be a dick and act as if YOU created my mods, there's not a whole lot I can do to stop you, so I won't even TRY.


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Filesize 291 bytes | File Name BO - Unlimited | # of Downloads 18,395  
#21 25-05-2018
Why did I not download this long, long ago?

#22 26-05-2018
@PattyHeart, you may just not have realized how awesome it was, perhaps? This *is* the top most downloaded mod in my repertoire, with No Sim Loaded as a close second.

#23 07-06-2019
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I know it's a long shot, but I joined leefish after having perused your mods on here for years just to ask this question. Do you know if this might work with Castaway Stories? I've been getting into messing around with CS again after a few years, but I can't quite make out which types of mods might work with CS and which might break it. I'm sadly no modder at all. If you have no idea if it would run on CS, could you tell me what it modifies to work so I can do a bit more research before plopping it into my game? I'm sorry if this is bothersome. I hate to be, but it's hard to find any answers for that ignored and broken game.

#24 07-06-2019
Hello @raus,

It's not bothersome. I just don't know whether it'll work with CS, either. If changes an internal BHAV that is named "Lot - Full of Sims?" to make the game think that only one sim lives on any lot without pets. That way, you can keep inviting other sims to live there, no matter how many there are already.

I've heard people say that some mods work for CS and other Sims side stories, but I don't have that game. But even if it doesn't work, I cannot imagine that it would break your game. So you could just try it (first backup your saved game for safety) and if it doesn't work, just quit without saving and remove the mod.

This goes for all my mods. It might work, or it might not. And it could break your game, but it is not likely. I just don't know for sure.


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