Would you recommend the Russian Tea Room for NY theater dining?
#1 15-07-2011 
  • Canned Fish
  • 1
I have heard many good things about the Russian Tea Room for both its cuisine and cultural significance. Have you been there and if so would you issue a recommendation?

#2 15-07-2011 
um. I think you may have misinterpreted the title of this area.

Its for chit-chat not real Tea Rooms.

having said that - it is a good idea to start a thread on one's favourite cafe's. As long as they dont serve SPAM.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#3 15-07-2011 
That was a spambot?? I had not known .. I do want to actually visit a cafe though just to see what it is like lol

#4 15-07-2011 
yea, was a spambot. I also deleted their reference to cheap shoes (what the hell has that got to do with eating out????) and gave em a shiny new avatar Smile

Russian Tea Rooms are really nice though - google it.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#5 15-07-2011 
Oh my .. They look beautiful .. I would love to visit one


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