Contest/Challenge Thing
#1 03-08-2011 
Xander just uploaded a cute TS2 Base Game house but - just like a man - he didn't get round to furnishing it. Tongue

I thought it might be fun if we all downloaded Xander's house and furnished it - like a little challenge

You can download the house at the link: Xander's Masterpiece There are no prizes or anything for taking part. Also, its pretty freeform - some "Rules" below.

  • You may not change anything in the build of the house - no moving walls or doors or windows.
  • You may change the style of any door or window - just not its placement. Also applicable to stairs and fences.
  • You may change wall and floor colours as much as you like
  • You may use any EP/SP you like, please say which EPs etc used
  • You may use any CC you like, recolours or meshes.
  • It is a starter house - target is 25000 simoleons which gives about 6800 simoleons to furnish. You can spend more if you just GOTTA have that marble statue in the living room Confused
  • I am open to suggestion as to whether outdoor planting should be included in the price. Xander?

Taking Part
Reply to this post saying yea I wanna play. Once you have your pics you can edit your post.

Posting the pictures
  • You may upload your pictures to leefish via the usual attachments method (that way the slideshow gallery will work) 6 pics.
  • You may add a link to your pictures in a gallery on a photobucket or similar hosting account but no image in the post from photobucket/wherever

Handy to know
Hitting tab+r will take you to cameraman mode and that way there will be no gridlines on your pics so its easier to see the house pictures.

#2 03-08-2011 
yea I wanna play. Your rules make it hard, I so want to move the arch in the downstairs bathroom. Rolleyes
You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.

#3 03-08-2011 
Well, its Xander's house so changing it seems a bit hrmm. It's the corridor upstairs that makes my builder eyebrow twitch - it's like NOOOOO - space not used with maximum efficiency....

* leefish tries not to look at the sledgehammer wall tools. BAD FISH
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#4 03-08-2011 
1 room and I'm already §1,642 over the limit; and not a marble statue in sightRofl

*Shell grabs chocolate bar, sits back and starts thinking
You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.

#5 03-08-2011 
LOL - and I thought you were a minimalist.

* leefish realises her sims live in pathetic squalor.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#6 03-08-2011 
Hey, Sofa, TV and Bookcase. NO curtains, rugs, lamps, artwork or plants can't get much more minimalist than that. Smile

* Shell gave herself a headache, eating the chocolate bar.
You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.

#7 03-08-2011 
And on only those three items you wasted over §8,000? I'm impressed, Shell. You make my ex-girlfriend look like a penny-pincher. Tongue

#8 03-08-2011 
What can I say BO, I go for quality not quantity. Wink
You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.

#9 03-08-2011 
I want to play! Big Grin This should be fun! And yay for allowing us to use CC; I don't think I've furnished a Maxis-only house since the early days of the basegame (which does mean that trying not to use CC would be quite the challenge for me... hmm...). Smile
[Image: nixedbuttongreen5.jpg]

#10 03-08-2011 
I wannaaaaaa! Yay, contest Big Grin

Edit: gawd this is hard! Can barely furnish few rooms with the budget...


Sorry, that is a members only option