What constitutes a default replacement?
#1 25-08-2011 
What constitutes a default replacement?

Okay by now, you are probably shaking your head and thinking, how can this idiot do anything, if she doesn’t know something as simple as that.

However, I have a question, if I clone something, recolour it and do not give it a new GUID, does it become a default replacement or just bork your game?

E.g. I found the Basket and Soccer balls in SimPE, they are not recolourable, so I cloned them and made them leather, for a more medieval look. They now automatically show up in game instead of the original.

So do I call them default replacements or just say, “This is a clone and it will override the original object”?

Attached File(s) Thumbnail(s)

#2 25-08-2011 
I would like to begin this by saying that I am no expert so take my advice with a grain of salt. Ok I have made a few recolours from cloning items and only changing the things I want to change. I literally cloned an object and recoloured something. I didn't give it a new GUID (don't even know what that is lol) and it worked and most of the time showed up in my game.

I have been calling mine replacements, because I believe that is what they do. Not sure if that is the official terminology or not.

PS: You are not an idiot and we all need to learn somewhere lol Big Grin
[Image: sig55.jpg]

#3 25-08-2011 
This question is very simple to answer...

The name default replacement should be clear enough: it replaces the default (or the original)! That's as simple as it is!
Default replacements are used only when there can't be multiple objects of the same type. Like the cell phone or the baby bottle.

A recolor uses the MESH of the original object, but only replaces the texture. Usually, one does NOT use a full clone, but only supplies the TXTR, TXMT and MMAT required. Because the less resources there are in the package, the smaller it can be. The rest is already in the game files, so why would you copy those again? No new GUID is required. In fact, the new file must be linked to the original GUID to make it work. The recolor then shows up in-game as an EXTRA color option on the original object.

A clone is used when you ALSO want to change the MESH! In that case, a new GUID is required because otherwise you're actually borking the game.

#4 25-08-2011 
Well cant michelle do it like one would do clothing ? Hunt the texture files down in simPE and extract, repack and rereplace the texture?

#5 25-08-2011 
Like BO says, can't you make a clone - without renumbering - change the texture and txmt if that is what you are doing - then just delete the rest of the package?

You do that in simpe by just selecting the resources and hitting delete.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#6 25-08-2011 
BO is straight on the money with his answer so I think just read what he said and your answer is clear. Luckily for me I only work with retextures for now so it's nice to know I can just replace the texture and not create a GUID for it. Also by just cloning and retexturing, I'm less likely to bork the game lol.
[Image: sig55.jpg]

#7 25-08-2011 
Also, do not fix integrity; then the item you're replacing will get a custom star in the catalogue (if it's in the catalogue) and look as if it can be deleted. This is because the item will still have the same GUID as the original, but fixing integrity will have given it a custom group - and it will bork your game to death if you actually do delete it.
[Image: nixedbuttongreen5.jpg]

#8 25-08-2011 
leefish;8418 Wrote:Like BO says, can't you make a clone - without renumbering - change the texture and txmt if that is what you are doing - then just delete the rest of the package?

You do that in simpe by just selecting the resources and hitting delete.

That's exactly how *I* would do it, Lee! Exclamation And if I have multiple recolors of the same object to make, I'd even do it like this:
  • clone the object
  • recolor the clone
  • remove all the resources I didn't touch, and save.

Then I'd just make a few copies of the recolored clone, and alter the textures in each of them as often as required.

#9 26-08-2011 
Thanks for clearing that up BO. Heart

Thanks Xander & Levini

Quote:Like BO says, can't you make a clone - without renumbering
Thanks Lee, I don't have much experience with cloning. How do you make a clone without renumbering it?

NixNivis thanks for the tip I didn't know that was what gave it the star.

Big hugs to everyone for their words of wisdom and encouragement.
You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.


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