#1 28-08-2011 
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I was so very happy to find and active and lively Sims 2 site. I look forward to seeing all that you are creating. I am not a designer or modder, but love the results.

#2 29-08-2011 
Welcome, Sandy! Hope you'll have a good time here.

#3 29-08-2011 
[Image: welcome-2-1.gif]

G'Day Sandy, great to meet you.
You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.

#4 29-08-2011 
Glad you have found us. Jump right in the water is very fine.

#5 29-08-2011 
Hi and welcome. If you are looking for things to DO on LeeFish then I suggest post a pic in fish pics ... we can't all be creators, but we can all take pictures. I LOVE taking pictures Smile
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#6 29-08-2011 
Welcome, Sandy! Great to have you here! Celebrate
[Image: nixedbuttongreen5.jpg]

#7 30-08-2011 
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Thank you all for the warm welcome.


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