• 29 Industrious Divinity Dining Chair Cushion Recolours
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With the permission of NixNivis I give you 29 recolours of the Apartment Life 'Industrious Divinity Dining Chair' cushion to match the 30 “LAMPAN” Recolours which you can find HERE.
If you are wondering why 29 not 30, the cushion already comes in black.

You can find the matching Baknomi Sprokette Table by Lee HERE, the Baknomi Sprok Table by Lee
HERE, the Werkbunnst Tek Sofa by Lee HERE and 29 Werkbunnst Tek Chair Cushion Recolours HERE.

All files have been compressed and tested.

[Image: MTS2_Numenor_817240_CEPv9_icon25x25.png]
x 20

Let me know if you find anything wrong with any of my work, so I do not make the same mistake in the future.

Constructive criticism and feedback are always welcome.
  • I do recolours and design my lots for pleasure, not for profit.
  • Feel free to use my recolours and include them in your lots, uploaded to free sites only.
  • However, remember to check the original creator's policies and always link to the originals.
DO NOT re-upload to pay sites or the exchange and DO NOT claim any of my work as your own.

I reserve the right to change this policy, at any time, without notification.

~Take care and stay safe.

29 Industrious Divinity Dining Chair Cushion Recolours Screenshot 29 Industrious Divinity Dining Chair Cushion Recolours Screenshot 29 Industrious Divinity Dining Chair Cushion Recolours Screenshot        
Download link
Filesize 398.17 KB | File Name IndustriousDivinityDiningChair-NixNivisColoursByMichelle.zip | # of Downloads 951  
#2 15-10-2011
These are great thank you - and what is next? >> Desk tops!!!!

#3 15-10-2011
Wonderful recols, Shell! I'm with Lee, desktops to match these (and the Tek chair and sofa, and the Lampan lamp) would be lovely. Smile Just in case you're out of ideas for what you want to do next. Wink

#4 15-10-2011
Well, now you come to mention it, I do have 29 recoloured templates sitting in a folder on my desk top, just waiting for me to open up SimPE. Smile


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