sims2 #1
Yesterday for some weird reason all I wanted to do was create a Pet in the Sims 2 and after I made two I quit the game, sometimes you just need a taste I guess. So for your downloading enjoyment I give you Mittens and Jingles. I also decided that if I get my own cat one day I want to name it Jingles. I don't know why, I just do lol.

- I don't know how the EP's and SP's affect the Pets when they are exported, but just to make sure it is compatible with your game, I have every EP and SP except Happy Holidays Stuff.
x 13

All my stuff if free to use and to enjoy just never,ever,EVER upload it to a paysite. Why make poor unsuspecting people pay for stuff like this? You are also free to change, edit or otherwise modify stuff I upload as long as you credit me we are 5x5. :D

Also if you got it from Leefish please link back to that site so more people can discover the awesome. That is all. :D

Mittens & Jingles Screenshot Mittens & Jingles Screenshot Mittens & Jingles Screenshot        
Download link
Filesize 25.93 KB | File Name XGC - Sims 2 Pets - Mittens and Jingles.rar | # of Downloads 132  
#2 06-04-2012

My new upload was accepted! Big Grin

#3 06-04-2012
Aww, cute kitties and cute names!

I think you only need the Pets EP to use packaged pets, but you might need to install them with Clean Installer if the EA one gives you a "missing EPs" error message.

#4 06-04-2012
Good info fanseelamb, will keep it in mind for the future.


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