Uploaders Gallery
I was busy playing about with some queries - specifically around the additional usergroups - and so I made a gallery of our uploaders.
A Rogues Gallery on LeeFish
Just for fun and I am still working on the .css.
It pulls the data direct from the database to get the uploaders and provides a handy link to the BLOE.
A Rogues Gallery on LeeFish

Just for fun and I am still working on the .css.
It pulls the data direct from the database to get the uploaders and provides a handy link to the BLOE.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5

Well, making things look nice is my goal - but I tend to be a straight lines kind of person. However, I also like things to look consistent - which is hard with all the different screen sizes. I was reading all about responsive websites and I will be using that page as my practice ground 
Add for Xander >> http://www.alistapart.com/articles/respo...eb-design/

Add for Xander >> http://www.alistapart.com/articles/respo...eb-design/
The site don't jive? PRESS F5

Impressive, Lee, and nicely tied in with the BLoE and its selection menu as well! Looking very good!
Actually, part of my job is to check for consistency, something I really enjoy doing. I get annoyed with myself when I miss something. So thank you.
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.
I can't do web stuff. I have a website for choir, but it's a template one so you just add stuff to it. i design and create all the publicity material for the choir, using publisher, can just about proof read, pretty good at picking up styling errors in publishing but not sure that's what you really need. sometimes takes me a long time to create a poster and get it just right. i upload stuff onto a website at work but that's just using a template. Any of that stuff good to you?
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.
Well, we run leefish using php, HTML, .css, mySQL and javascript. Lots of buzzwords in there.... google time
The php and the mySQL get the data from the database and we use the HTML, .css and the javascript to present it. We don't use a lot of photoshop really, that is not really in my skillset.
However, maybe you could use those photoshop skills making some in game pictures for your sims?
That is always great fun, taking the shots and wrangling those darned sims into position.

The php and the mySQL get the data from the database and we use the HTML, .css and the javascript to present it. We don't use a lot of photoshop really, that is not really in my skillset.
However, maybe you could use those photoshop skills making some in game pictures for your sims?
That is always great fun, taking the shots and wrangling those darned sims into position.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5

Lee Wrote:That is always great fun, taking the shots and wrangling those darned sims into position.
I thinks Lee needs to get away from the computer for a while.

oops! forgot to say the rogues gallery, sorry, the Uploaders Gallery looks good Lee.
BTW we need a 'strike' BBC code thingy.

You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.