Most Active Forum/Most Active Topic
Just an idea for the site. I love the way on PBK, and other forums, when you go to a member's profile it displays what their most activity is in in a certain forum on the site, and what topic they've posted in most. I don't know if this forum setup will allow it, but it's worth a try. It's up to you if you like the idea, it's always just been one of the little extras I like about Plumb Bob Keep.
Well, its a nice idea, but its an extra query on the db, so I would have to consider that carefully.
I will put it on my list of things for the profile revamp I am working on. It is not a no - more a reluctance to waste DB resources on candy - so I would have to see what the actual impact is.
I will put it on my list of things for the profile revamp I am working on. It is not a no - more a reluctance to waste DB resources on candy - so I would have to see what the actual impact is.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5

@TNW: Lee is more interested in Less time being wasted on pages being loaded ( in short she wants a faster working site). Usually she will poke about with the features and test out stuff before she completely installs it. Personally I like the Fast loading Leefish. It usually is the first page to finish loading for me and it doesnt take a crap on my browser or cause Chrome to break down.

Thanks baby boy, that was bugging me as well.
You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.