Crazy things...
#1 10-05-2012 
The craziest thing I'm doing at the moment, is going on a no downloads week this week. Arrgh! Talk about hard. I see something lovely, I go to click the download button, and have to stop myself. I've got a list about this long - points to spot on the ceiling of sites that better be there next week!

I have downloaded a couple of things, realised what I'd done, and then deleted them. Because +1 download -1 download = not downloaded! Rofl

What's the craziest thing you've done to yourself because of the sims?

#2 10-05-2012 
But why? I don't restrict myself, I download if I like it or if I want to work out how someone has built something. I might not keep all of it though.
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#3 10-05-2012 
Crazy Things....

Hmm. I think most of the crazy things sims has made me do is creating related.

Is it crazy that when I first started making windows for TS2 I had no idea how to to use the fill and invert selection in photoshop so I sat there and coloured in the wallmask using a brush? A brush set to 1 pixel because I had somehow set it like that and did not know how to change it back.....
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#4 10-05-2012 
I do things like that too.
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#5 10-05-2012 
Okay, mines not just crazy it's embarrassing. After playing the Sims for 3 days and 2 nights without sleep, I finally went to bed, only to be woken up about an hour after falling asleep by a guy breaking into a car across the road. I saw the guy and my first thought was to pause and take a screenshot. My second thought was OMG I'm standing at the window stark naked, with the police on the phone, yelling at this guy that I'm taking a screenshot of him. The next day I stopped playing the Sims and started recolouring. Blush

#6 10-05-2012 
Wahahahahahaha Rofl
Its at times like that that you wish mosaic was in real life as well...
The site don't jive? PRESS F5 Flower

#7 10-05-2012 
I've played so much tetris, burger shop and other games in the past that I've dreamt about them!
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#8 10-05-2012 
Downloading is like an addiction to me, and I find that if I allow myself free-rein I end up downloading a Tera-byte worth of Sims1, 2, 3 files that never get into the game (true story).

So I'm going off downloading cold turkey, and then just limiting it to 1-2 days a week, so I actually have a chance of getting downloads into the game. Smile

Oh Michelle! Rofl I love it!


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