sims2 #1
HTC HD7 for Sims 2

With the permission of XanderGC, Bex Worx presents, the improved (version 3) HTC HD7.

Xander did a wonderful job recoloring this item, however, I found a few items that needed to be fixed, and some I wanted to change.

1. The Catalogue description still read Apple iPhone 3G ... Whaaa!!??
2. I made it available in the Small Electronics Catalogue.
3. I lowered the price to 149 (was 399).

You can only use one replacement at a time so make sure to remove any previous ones before you use this version.


XanderGC's Original Files can be found here.
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HTC HD7 - Version 3 Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 32.56 KB | File Name XGC-Bex - HTC HD7 V3 Replacement | # of Downloads 564  
#2 01-06-2012
Very cool - thank you.

#3 01-06-2012
Funny story, back when I decided to do this mod I only knew how to recolour something so I didn't even think about what the catalog description would say or the price. I did use my replacement phone file which at the time was you guessed it the iPhone 3G.

Thanks for uploading a fix though, I'll try to be more careful in the future. Big Grin

#4 01-06-2012
Thanks Becca.


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