Greetings to all you Fishies
Leefish, I'll come right out with it - I am a clown fish, or according to your Warrior list: Innocence Abused. If I can choose, I prefer being known as a clown fish - it's your call, of course.
I live in Texas, I have been married 136 years, and I have three grown children and a 14 month-old granddaughter. I also have three cats and an aquarium. My dog was invited to move to my parents' house, so I have to visit her there now.
I have visited here a few times, because my friend Michelle is uploading and posting here. However, I believe you have a very nice site; I know I will enjoy coming here more often.
I look forward to meeting all you fishes and hope you will like meeting me, too. If I have left anything out, please feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.
I live in Texas, I have been married 136 years, and I have three grown children and a 14 month-old granddaughter. I also have three cats and an aquarium. My dog was invited to move to my parents' house, so I have to visit her there now.
I have visited here a few times, because my friend Michelle is uploading and posting here. However, I believe you have a very nice site; I know I will enjoy coming here more often.
I look forward to meeting all you fishes and hope you will like meeting me, too. If I have left anything out, please feel free to ask and I will do my best to answer.
HeartDeco, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jun 2012.
136 years??????
You get less for murder
Clown fish coming right up - unless you want to keep the nice avatar you have?
Nice to meet you, feel free to post. The spam barriers might cry a bit in the first couple of posts but then it will be ok.
You get less for murder

Clown fish coming right up - unless you want to keep the nice avatar you have?
Nice to meet you, feel free to post. The spam barriers might cry a bit in the first couple of posts but then it will be ok.
The site don't jive? PRESS F5

Hello Debra, welcome to Leefish
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.
Hi and welcome to Leefish.
I've seen you around in the member's list- glad you decided to stop and say hi.

leefish;14658 Wrote:136 years??????
That's right - 136 years!
You get less for murder
Clown fish coming right up - unless you want to keep the nice avatar you have?
Yes, Clown fish please; I'm tired of my old avatar.
HeartDeco, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jun 2012.