Wet, wet, wet and wet
Hi Leefishers
I've been away for two weeks and returned to find no one around in the forums, I'm so sad
Although I did trail through, and read most of the 150ish new posts 
Where was I? I went to deepest Devon (UK), to a cottage a few miles from the nearest village, North Huish, where there was no mobile phone signal (unless you climb the nearest hill!) or internet connection. We travelled down tiny lanes with grass growing down the middle, no wider than the car, and rarely met anyone coming the other way, thankfully, in a car that sprang a leak from the radiator! If you want to find it on a map it is about halfway between Plymouth on one side and Torquay on the other and just a bit south of Dartmoor. Torquay is known as the 'British Riviera'!
The cottage was lovely, you might see it reincarnated in the near future
, interesting because it was upside-down. There were several cottages and a large house that was also a guest house - beautiful setting. My holiday was restful but very wet! Not much sun, I didn't get to top up my tan. One day we were 'rained in' following a torrential downpour during the night. Couldn't get out of the locale so we stayed in for the day, playing card games, watching TV and I went back to my old pasttime, cross-stitching (always take some with me). We were meanies and made my son practice his Tuba too, every day!
We did manage some days out and some meals out, we visited some good and some not so good places. Lee will be pleased to know that we went to see her friends at the Plymouth Aquarium. Quite disconcerting to see sharks swimming above you - they have really big teeth! All the fish seemed really happy to be there
Another day we went see a model village - loved that, must have something to do with simming. Spent a sunny day at an otter rescue centre, watching them and learning about conservation, then we went for a ride on a steam train, I fell asleep.
We had a lovely day out at a miniature horse centre too, watching and stroking the tiny horses and donkeys.
We didn't really go for walks, gardens or to see natural wonders because of the weather and the ground was extremely soggy underfoot if you weren't walking on any paths. We did drive through Dartmoor National Park one day.
Whilst we were away we celebrated our 29th Wedding Anniversary, although not in style because that was a very wet day and we got soaked! We did eat out several times during our time away so it wasn't all spent cooking.
My husband took some pictures, I don't because I'm not very good at that and I can't work our complicated camera! When I get a minute I'll find some and post them to this thread.
I now have my cat, Coke, back from the cattery, a little thinner and who is very pleased to see me and keeps coming to visit and purr at me - I like that
I've been away for two weeks and returned to find no one around in the forums, I'm so sad

Where was I? I went to deepest Devon (UK), to a cottage a few miles from the nearest village, North Huish, where there was no mobile phone signal (unless you climb the nearest hill!) or internet connection. We travelled down tiny lanes with grass growing down the middle, no wider than the car, and rarely met anyone coming the other way, thankfully, in a car that sprang a leak from the radiator! If you want to find it on a map it is about halfway between Plymouth on one side and Torquay on the other and just a bit south of Dartmoor. Torquay is known as the 'British Riviera'!
The cottage was lovely, you might see it reincarnated in the near future

We did manage some days out and some meals out, we visited some good and some not so good places. Lee will be pleased to know that we went to see her friends at the Plymouth Aquarium. Quite disconcerting to see sharks swimming above you - they have really big teeth! All the fish seemed really happy to be there

Another day we went see a model village - loved that, must have something to do with simming. Spent a sunny day at an otter rescue centre, watching them and learning about conservation, then we went for a ride on a steam train, I fell asleep.
We had a lovely day out at a miniature horse centre too, watching and stroking the tiny horses and donkeys.
We didn't really go for walks, gardens or to see natural wonders because of the weather and the ground was extremely soggy underfoot if you weren't walking on any paths. We did drive through Dartmoor National Park one day.
Whilst we were away we celebrated our 29th Wedding Anniversary, although not in style because that was a very wet day and we got soaked! We did eat out several times during our time away so it wasn't all spent cooking.
My husband took some pictures, I don't because I'm not very good at that and I can't work our complicated camera! When I get a minute I'll find some and post them to this thread.
I now have my cat, Coke, back from the cattery, a little thinner and who is very pleased to see me and keeps coming to visit and purr at me - I like that

Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.
England seems like a great place to go!
Unfortunately, I live many miles away in a horrible land known as Georgia.

Hi Karen - I am sorry we were not here to welcome you back 
It sounds like a lovely holiday, rain or no. I actually like rain when it is that soft rain that gives all the landscape a sort of hazy look. Like something from an old photo.
Cross stiching - my mum used to do that - she always enjoyed it.
No plans to make a hood based on the Model Village then?

It sounds like a lovely holiday, rain or no. I actually like rain when it is that soft rain that gives all the landscape a sort of hazy look. Like something from an old photo.
Cross stiching - my mum used to do that - she always enjoyed it.
No plans to make a hood based on the Model Village then?
The site don't jive? PRESS F5

Sounds like you had a good time. Do you need a holiday from your holiday now? Vacations tend to do that to people. Happy Belated Anniversary! Pics, we want pics! (Of your holiday, that is.) We also want your rendition of your cottage. Wait- upside down? Hmmmmm..
My sleeping is all goofed up again, so I haz an excuse for not being here! Not to mention the fact that my mojo came back so I haven't really been anywhere lately..besides MilkShape, SimPE, etc.
My sleeping is all goofed up again, so I haz an excuse for not being here! Not to mention the fact that my mojo came back so I haven't really been anywhere lately..besides MilkShape, SimPE, etc.

@Michellee: Yes, there is an old church in North Huish, we didn't visit it but drove past it several times. Have you been to that part of Devon, Shell? And yes the model village was Babbacombe! Didn't get to Cockington - I had the leaflet and if we'd been near it with time to go we might have dropped by but, those sorts of places interest me but not the rest of the family.
@leefishh: Lee, tis OK, that no one was around, the weekends are quiet on Leefish anyway, it's just that I hadn't had internet for so long I was just wanting to catch up
The rain wasn't really soft, just lots of it, mostly very fast and sometimes torrential! And no, I'm not going to create a hood - far too time consuming.
@ MLC: I drew up some plans of the cottages and house, whilst there, so yes you might see them reincarnated, thinking about it all at the moment, whilst trying to complete a challenge and my Amsterdam street. I also saw an interesting terrace/row of wool workers cottages that might get created too and some other stuff too - gonna be busy building! Pics later, maybe
@leefishh: Lee, tis OK, that no one was around, the weekends are quiet on Leefish anyway, it's just that I hadn't had internet for so long I was just wanting to catch up

The rain wasn't really soft, just lots of it, mostly very fast and sometimes torrential! And no, I'm not going to create a hood - far too time consuming.
@ MLC: I drew up some plans of the cottages and house, whilst there, so yes you might see them reincarnated, thinking about it all at the moment, whilst trying to complete a challenge and my Amsterdam street. I also saw an interesting terrace/row of wool workers cottages that might get created too and some other stuff too - gonna be busy building! Pics later, maybe

Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.
Karen Lorraine;15023 Wrote:@Michellee: Have you been to that part of Devon, Shell?Yeah been there, my 2 favourite places in England...Cockington Forge & York Castle Museum.
You can find more of my work at Mod The Sims and Plumb Bob Keep.