• TS3 to TS2 Conversion Database
  • Creator: 322cdb
sims2 #1
A wonderful database for all of the conversions from TS3 to TS2. It must take a lot of time to update and maintain the site as well as they do so if you end up stalking it everyday -- like me -- be sure to say thanks! Big Grin

Thanks again, 322cdb!
x 10

You're welcome to use anything of mine, no matter where it's from, however you'd like.

TS3 to TS2 Conversion Database Screenshot    
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#2 20-09-2012
Ooh this is fantastic. Thanks for pointing it out!

#3 21-09-2012
Yes they are awesome the conversions I have a few TS3 to TS2 Big Grin Thanks

#4 21-09-2012
Useful link - thanks Honeywell. Big Grin


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