sims2 #1
Well, there were so many recolors that I could not take pics of them all - however, here we go with some sample pics. Thank you very much to Amythestfenix who recoloured this conversion for us.

[Image: attachment.php?aid=438]

Mattress Colors: Aqua, asparagus, beachsand, cardinal, dove, gold, ink, pansy, rootbeer and twilight

Wood Colors: Maxis match in black, cherry, light wood medium wood, darkwood and white.

You can find the mesh here on LeeFish: Link to Mesh
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Auping Day Bed Recolors Screenshot Auping Day Bed Recolors Screenshot Auping Day Bed Recolors Screenshot Auping Day Bed Recolors Screenshot      
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#2 07-07-2010
Cool! Smile

#3 15-07-2010
Fantastic preview pic, Lee!

#4 15-07-2010
Thanks amythestfenix - you did a great job and the colours look awesome in game Smile


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