sims3 #1

Wood Siding Pattern is great for use on either walls or floors. It has one recolorable channel, so why not use some bright colors and give your home a lift for the summer months. Enjoy.
Both sims3pack and sims3package have been included. Please only install one version.

If you have any issues please leave a comment here.
x 6

As of 27/09/2014 My TOU is the following.
All my meshes are share friendly and can be included with Recolours.
DO NOT modify my meshes/textures/patterns/walls/floors to use with your own projects.
DO NOT convert ANY of my meshes/textures/patterns/walls/floors from Sims 2 to Sims 3. Or Vis-versa
DO NOT convert ANY of my meshes/textures/patterns/walls/floors to Sims 4.

You don't claim my stuff as your own.
You don't upload ANY of my creations to a site to download directly.

Wood Siding Pattern Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 286.8 KB | File Name | # of Downloads 207  
#2 21-02-2013
This one looks good too.

#3 22-02-2013
Michelle - Will hopefully get around to making this for Sims 2 as well. Smile


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