Confusion about TS3 and worry about TS4
#1 26-09-2013 
What is up with EA releasing a creepy and weird version of OFB right before it releases TS4? I'm sure they were aware that OFB was what everyone wanted in the first place x__x;; Why release it now though (and just... uggh on the dark theme) Are they going to continue to support TS3? Or are they just trying to make a quick buck on a game they will eventually force into obsolescence?

I'm totally lost here @_@ To be fair, I don't intend to buy it (and wouldn't anyway because I like my neighbourhoods bright and boring), and no longer buy EPs for TS3 anyway. However, I bought TS4 and worry a bit if EA plans to continue to support TS3. Basically, it will mean that their store is so profitable that it is worth splitting their dev team, and if that is the case then they will most likely use the same pay and pay and pay to play model for TS4 (which would suck). Does anyone know more about these TS3 EP releases and whether they will continue?
nanashi, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Aug 2013.

#2 26-09-2013 
Well, I think the OFB stuff is a blatant attempt to wring the last dime out of TS3. If it is like any of the other things they ported from TS2 it will be a broken crappy version of the original. Once TS4 is out EA will drop TS3 (and all its users) like a brick. It's their MO.

#3 26-09-2013 
A creepy weird version of OFB? What?

* fanseelamb digs around a bit

Ahh. You mean this Midnight Hollow thing? Hm. That actually looks like fun to me. Personally OFB isn't my fave EP so I wouldn't have been awaiting it too eagerly. I do like EPs that add a different dimension to the game, so things like this one, Island Paradise, Seasons, and World Adventures (that was the one that added swampy looking 'hoods right?) are the EPs that I find most tempting.

Anyway I don't find it unusual that they're releasing one last Sims 3 thing shortly before Sims 4. They released the final Sims 2 thing shortly before Sims 3 as well iirc. As Lee says, they want your money and will drop Sims 3 once 4 is out. Lee also said once that the last Sims 2 EPs included small glimpses into the Sims 3 - the quartertile cheat and some other stuff I can't remember. Perhaps the last Sims 3 EPs will also provide some small glimpses of things to come.

#4 26-09-2013 
That is another thing I'm worried about (the glimpse of things to come)... if they are testing to see if users will really buy OFB for TS4, then this is a really unfair way to go about it because if everyone assumes that they will handle TS3 the way they did with TS2 then why would they waste their money? I really really want OFB for TS4 and in a normal hood.

I am already regretting my Origin purchase because I just found out that they stopped supporting TS2 the month and yanked all of the games before they announced TS4. What happens to people who upgrade or change computers?! Do they no longer get to install the game they paid over $130 bucks for unlike the people who bought a physical copy?! Ah well, if TS4 is a great game, then I will buy the physical copy when it comes out in a bundle. I definitely won't be making any more Origin purchases. If TS4 isn't a fun game then Origin's rent-a-game for full price policy is a non-issue.

You know, I always thought the setquartertileplacement was a myth. It never worked in my game and I have all the TS2 EPs and SPs. Does it really work and if so, what is the command prompt?

#5 26-09-2013 
Right, I was looking on the Sims4 site - digital content - 10 euros more with some extra special content. None digital - 10 euros less, no extra content, but the disc.

Re quartertile it works - it is real, I just dont know the code.

#6 26-09-2013 
(26-09-2013 10:24 PM)nanashi Wrote:  You know, I always thought the setquartertileplacement was a myth. It never worked in my game and I have all the TS2 EPs and SPs. Does it really work and if so, what is the command prompt?
The quarter tile placement works for me. Type 'setquartertileplacement on' into the cheat box ('off' to turn it off) then 'ctrl F' to activate the cheat. Brilliant for placing deco objects but be careful with usable objects such as tables and chairs, they don't always work when placed off grid. Hope that helps.
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#7 27-09-2013 
I bought the celebration pack on Origin for TS2- and although I have moved computers, and they no longer list Sims2 on Origin for sale, I've still been able to download Celebrations from Origin. So I think you'll be ok.

Unfortunately, the disks that I bought for Castaways and Pet Stories require an online link to work, so they don't work anymore Sad

#8 27-09-2013 
To add to what Karen said: When it comes to the quarter tile cheat - I've placed toilets, garbage cans, phones, tables and dining chairs (both, not just one), desks and chairs (again- both) and they've worked just fine. Beds too, I think. Some fireplaces (there's only a couple I use).. the cheat that I think you really need to be careful with is 'boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation'. When using that one I usually test the object out on a lot with sims just to be sure whatever I used it with will still work. Sofas, loveseats, living room chairs usually will. Fireplaces pretty much won't- there is one that does for sure (Red Ember something or other). I love those 2 cheats and use them all the time, along with CFE. It's a wonder any of the houses I build really work, lol.

#9 27-09-2013 
(26-09-2013 10:56 PM)Karen Lorraine Wrote:  
(26-09-2013 10:24 PM)nanashi Wrote:  You know, I always thought the setquartertileplacement was a myth. It never worked in my game and I have all the TS2 EPs and SPs. Does it really work and if so, what is the command prompt?
The quarter tile placement works for me. Type 'setquartertileplacement on' into the cheat box ('off' to turn it off) then 'ctrl F' to activate the cheat. Brilliant for placing deco objects but be careful with usable objects such as tables and chairs, they don't always work when placed off grid. Hope that helps.

Ctrl+F... that is the magic then, because I've never pressed that and always thought that either the command prompt info online was inaccurate or false. I will try it now! Thank you sooooo much!

@mustluvcatz - "boolprop allow45degreeangleofrotation" this is turned on by default in my startup cheats. I usually use it for deco stuff, so it's okay for me.

#10 27-09-2013 
Yes I think I had that problem in the past too Smile I have the quarter tile cheat set up in my start up cheats too.
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.


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