OFB Uniform Glitchiness
Hi! Given how long this bug has gone unaddressed, it's possible that there just isn't a solution, but I wonder if you could look into fixing uniforms in OFB? I think anyone who has tried to use them has experienced the bug where setting the uniform of a sim in an owned business lot also changes that sim's whole face to a generic template. I've looked around, but no one seems to have come up with a way of making this feature actually usable- just a bunch of maybe solutions that worked once for this one guy. 
I'd love to be able to actually have themed restaurants or store uniforms, but right now the only "fix" seems to be to change employees' casual outfits manually- meaning they have to wear that all the time.
This is just a super annoying bug that has been around forever without anyone cracking it. Up for a challenge?

I'd love to be able to actually have themed restaurants or store uniforms, but right now the only "fix" seems to be to change employees' casual outfits manually- meaning they have to wear that all the time.
This is just a super annoying bug that has been around forever without anyone cracking it. Up for a challenge?

Hi caffeinewriter,
At the Simbology forum, where I'm active as well (as an admin and as a modder/player) a discussion was recently started by Kuriminsk, discussing the OFB Employee Face Glitch.
Considering what I and others have said there, I think you will understand that it isn't likely that you'll ever see a fix for this problem. I'm very sorry.
At the Simbology forum, where I'm active as well (as an admin and as a modder/player) a discussion was recently started by Kuriminsk, discussing the OFB Employee Face Glitch.
Considering what I and others have said there, I think you will understand that it isn't likely that you'll ever see a fix for this problem. I'm very sorry.
It's not letting me see the thread and won't let me register because none of my email addresses work with the "house rules." Still, if it's utterly broke, then it's utterly broke. (And no one knows how to break something like EA).
Too bad, but thanks for getting back to me!
Too bad, but thanks for getting back to me!
I cannot read the thread at Simbology because I cannot register because my only email address is a gmail address. And frankly, even if I had an email address from my ISP I would not use it to register on a sims forum. Incidentally, my gmail address is actually my most "permanent" as I've kept it after switching ISPs and will likely switch ISPs again and still keep that trusty old gmail address.
* fanseelamb grumbles a bit
Sorry, I digress.
I just wanted to point out in case it's of any use, that it's not always a random generic face sims get. My employees often get the face of one of my own sims. Like the bartender will have the business owner's face, for example. These are unique faces that I made so I know they're not the Maxis templates. It doesn't always happen this way but I have seen it quite a few times. Perhaps the "generic" faces are also faces of in-game Maxis sims? Could it possibly be tied to the face of the first sim who used a mirror that day or something like that? That's what it sometimes seems like to me.
Also it's inconsistent. Sometimes my employees' faces will be fine, and sometimes those same employees' faces are wrong.
Anyhow, I don't know if this has already been discussed on Simbology so wanted to point it out just in case.
* fanseelamb grumbles a bit
Sorry, I digress.
I just wanted to point out in case it's of any use, that it's not always a random generic face sims get. My employees often get the face of one of my own sims. Like the bartender will have the business owner's face, for example. These are unique faces that I made so I know they're not the Maxis templates. It doesn't always happen this way but I have seen it quite a few times. Perhaps the "generic" faces are also faces of in-game Maxis sims? Could it possibly be tied to the face of the first sim who used a mirror that day or something like that? That's what it sometimes seems like to me.
Also it's inconsistent. Sometimes my employees' faces will be fine, and sometimes those same employees' faces are wrong.
Anyhow, I don't know if this has already been discussed on Simbology so wanted to point it out just in case.

The thing with Simbology registration is, once you're registered, you can always change the email address to whatever you like. Just for the initial registration we require a ”real” email address, because 99.9% percent of the registrations we recieved were spammers, all using free webmail addresses. Getting rid of spammers was becoming a day job.
The only other method was to ban each IP-address or email-address separately, which we've tried for over 18 months... the number of bans was really becoming ridiculous, exceeding the number of active memberships several times.
The only other method was to ban each IP-address or email-address separately, which we've tried for over 18 months... the number of bans was really becoming ridiculous, exceeding the number of active memberships several times.
@BoilingOil - That is a shame, you certainly don't want to be spending so much time dealing with spammers. Alas I have no other email addy so will just not register.
@leefish - Yes, if you change the employee's appearance in a mirror they get their face back. You don't have to actually change the way they look, you can just click the OK button without changing anything. There is a mod that lets you easily change uncontrollable sims' appearances in a mirror but I can't remember who made it. The file is called "change-appearance-anyone1b.package". In fact I think BO is the one who told me about that mod a while back when I asked him about this same issue.
It seems to be the best workaround for this glitch. I'd be happy to PM anyone the mirror mod file if they need it since it may be hard to find online now.
@leefish - Yes, if you change the employee's appearance in a mirror they get their face back. You don't have to actually change the way they look, you can just click the OK button without changing anything. There is a mod that lets you easily change uncontrollable sims' appearances in a mirror but I can't remember who made it. The file is called "change-appearance-anyone1b.package". In fact I think BO is the one who told me about that mod a while back when I asked him about this same issue.

I'm with fansee, without being able to use my gmail address I won't register. I've had my gmail account for years, back when you could only get one by referral! I've had 3 different ISPs in 4 years due to the fact I live in a small area between much larger ISPs and they keep bouncing me around.
Have you tried either of these plugins?
http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/in...p?mod=1519 - I prefer this one.
It checks all IPs against the stopforumspam database which rejects close to 90-95% of registrations. I then sort new members by IP address, delete all that are the same. Then delete any stupid names that have things like "coach, viagra, louisvittan, etc". Then if the username is questionable, I check against the stopforumdatabase manually. I then hit Approve but require activation, this requires a valid email. Of course, any username I recognize from the community is approved immediately. This whole thing takes me maybe 15 minutes a week.
Have you tried either of these plugins?
http://custom.simplemachines.org/mods/in...p?mod=1519 - I prefer this one.
It checks all IPs against the stopforumspam database which rejects close to 90-95% of registrations. I then sort new members by IP address, delete all that are the same. Then delete any stupid names that have things like "coach, viagra, louisvittan, etc". Then if the username is questionable, I check against the stopforumdatabase manually. I then hit Approve but require activation, this requires a valid email. Of course, any username I recognize from the community is approved immediately. This whole thing takes me maybe 15 minutes a week.
I have had my gmail address about just as long, HL, and I use it for everything too. But as I said, after registering, nothing will stop you from changing the registered email to your gmail address. I can't force people to make that effort, of course, but if one really wishes to be a Simbology member, I'd say it's not too much.
Simbology uses stopforumspam, but we chose to filter only by email or IP address, not by username, and the identified spammers were never automatically rejected. We had to do that by hand, rejecting the same addresses (often obviously spambots) over and over again, day in day out, frequently by the dozens. Banning those addresses lead to having several thousand ban rules, which made it even harder to manage. In stead of your 15 minutes per week, I was frequently spending two hours each day to keep the userbase neat!
I didn't like having to ban free webmail addresses, but so far it has proven to be the only way to keep spammers out without making it a day job. Each appproach to keeping spam away has its disadvantages. The way it is now, I can live with it.
Simbology uses stopforumspam, but we chose to filter only by email or IP address, not by username, and the identified spammers were never automatically rejected. We had to do that by hand, rejecting the same addresses (often obviously spambots) over and over again, day in day out, frequently by the dozens. Banning those addresses lead to having several thousand ban rules, which made it even harder to manage. In stead of your 15 minutes per week, I was frequently spending two hours each day to keep the userbase neat!
I didn't like having to ban free webmail addresses, but so far it has proven to be the only way to keep spammers out without making it a day job. Each appproach to keeping spam away has its disadvantages. The way it is now, I can live with it.
I found an archive of Dizzy's mods for those who want to try the workaround fanseelamb mentioned: http://simsasylum.com/tfm/index.php?/top.../?hl=dizzy
The site requires registration and the archive itself is set up very strangely- the actual mod in question is in a sub-rar labelled "spiral" of all things.
For what it's worth, some people have also suggested using the batbox's fix flashing blue option to the same effect. Have not tested myself, but if this problem is something that can be addressed by changing appearance quick, batbox should do it.
The site requires registration and the archive itself is set up very strangely- the actual mod in question is in a sub-rar labelled "spiral" of all things.
For what it's worth, some people have also suggested using the batbox's fix flashing blue option to the same effect. Have not tested myself, but if this problem is something that can be addressed by changing appearance quick, batbox should do it.