• nanashi's Eric Brand Executive Desk
  • Uploader:
sims2 #1
Nanashi made me this awesome desk as a prize for finding an easter egg in one of her upload pics. It was not a request, she just... all on her own... figured out that I may like an item from Bill's office on True Blood, my favourite TV show. SHE WAS AMAZINGLY CORRECT. I absolutely ADORE the desk, and ADORE nanashi for her thoughtfulness and generosity. But the desk is too good to keep all to myself! So with nanashi's permission I'm sharing it with my fellow Leefishers.

This pic right here is nanashi's pic, showing her desk along with the real desk it's based on and a screenshot from the show. The other pics below are from my game - see how good it looks in Bill's office?! OMG. Perfection.

The desk is 3 tiles and has 3 slots, as shown in my pics below.

There are TWO VERSIONS of the desk included. ONLY INSTALL ONE VERSION. See nanashi's explanation for details:

nanashi Wrote:Mesh Info:
Eric Brand Entertainment Executive Desk
480 Polys
467 Vertices
Found in Surfaces -> Desks for $1450 simoleons (I couldn't find the price because the designer requires a password to view his catalogue, but apparently his furniture is 'high-end')

This mesh comes in two flavors (both share the same GUID) high reflection and low reflection. I prefer the low reflection because it is more maxis match, but the high reflection looks a bit better and more like the actual product. If you don't care for either, you'll need to edit the 'base' TXMT to make changes.

A million thank you's, nanashi! Heart Heart Heart

Since nanashi made this desk it's her terms of use which apply. Here is nanashi's profile and here is her tumblr.

The other content in my pics is as follows: lamp from Around the Sims 2; computer from veranka; wine rack with top removed from someone on tumblr or LJ who I don't quite remember but can track down if you want; curtain mesh by HugeLunatic; curtain recolour and everything else by me or Maxis.
x 13

CREDIT and LINK if you use my stuff.

Mesh and texture edits (aka recolours) are welcome.

You may include my meshes with your recolours.

You may include my content with your own packaged Sims and Lots.

Please do not redistribute my original files in any other way.

Please do not redistribute my sims or altered versions of them.

Please do not post any part of my work on any paysite, including TSR (The Sims Resource).

Have fun!

nanashi's Eric Brand Executive Desk Screenshot nanashi's Eric Brand Executive Desk Screenshot nanashi's Eric Brand Executive Desk Screenshot nanashi's Eric Brand Executive Desk Screenshot nanashi's Eric Brand Executive Desk Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 465.44 KB | File Name nanashi - eric brand executive desk for fanseelamb.zip | # of Downloads 730  
#2 04-11-2013
Seriously, seriously cool.

#3 04-11-2013
Oh WOW! I love it. I feel the urge to recolour coming on.

#4 04-11-2013
This is beautiful! Thanks for sharing nanashi and fanseelamb Smile


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