• 'Transcendence' - IKEA Pictures
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sims2 #1
The LACK recolours couldn't really go without their own set of IKEA artwork to go with it! I have searched the website, taken my own IKEA-pictures from the wall and put it through the scanner and have put together two sets for your Simmies to reproduce my RL-hallway. And all of this has made me want to go to IKEA to buy MOAR!
[Image: thumb640x480]
The first set contains seven paintings with a white passepartout. I have included a little easteregg in the first set as well. It's just a little surprise I thought was fun because I had SimPE and photoshop running anyways. If you don't want it in your game, simply remove the .package-file labelled 'easteregg' when extracting the .zip-folder to your downloadsfolder.
The second set contains five paintings with a black passepartout.
  • Recolour of the Maxis 'Transcendence' painting
  • Basegame item, so no EPs or SPs required
  • Found under: Buy Mode > Decorative > Wall Hanging
  • Cost: §800

I have used Plasticbox's template as a basis to make my own. All artwork belongs to IKEA.
x 10

You may do whatever you want as long as you credit me with a link and don't make any money from it.
Please do not convert anything from TS2 to TS3 because I might want to do that myself some time.

'Transcendence' - IKEA Pictures Screenshot 'Transcendence' - IKEA Pictures Screenshot 'Transcendence' - IKEA Pictures Screenshot 'Transcendence' - IKEA Pictures Screenshot 'Transcendence' - IKEA Pictures Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 98.4 KB | File Name Transcendence_IKEA_Set1_byKlaartje.zip | # of Downloads 224  
Filesize 52.39 KB | File Name Transcendence_IKEA_Set2_byKlaartje.zip | # of Downloads 215  
#2 08-11-2013
Yay, more IKEA. They are in my downloads folder now Smile Thank you

#3 08-11-2013
They look great! Big Grin I especially like the animal prints - those little giraffes are so cute! Thank you for sharing. Smile

#4 09-11-2013
VERY nice. Good job, so what is next?


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