sims3 #1
Not a new item - one from my TS3 past, but its pretty and I always liked it. If I could remember how to get the mesh and textures out I would probably do a TS2 version, but yea....

Anyway, 3 files - table+chair, just table, just chair.

The table has two multipliers and speculars - one with the wood panels on the table end, one without the wood panels so you can have more casting options. I like the wood panels so I did not take them out.

On the chair mapping shot you will see that the checkers do not line up on the edge of the chair seat - this is the way it is mapped, several EA chairs are mapped this way. Some patterns look better than others, most look fine. The three channels is so if you want to give the chair and tables an outside look you can - that way you can use a horizontal wood on the chair back and a vertical on the chair seat.

Poly count, catalog location etc(Click to View)
x 8

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Basic Dining Screenshot Basic Dining Screenshot Basic Dining Screenshot Basic Dining Screenshot Basic Dining Screenshot   Basic Dining Screenshot  
Download link
Filesize 408.72 KB | File Name BASICS_DININGCOMBO_by_LeeFish.rar | # of Downloads 507  
Filesize 144.93 KB | File Name BASE_AMBMatch_DiningChair_by_LeeFish.rar | # of Downloads 288  
Filesize 267.89 KB | File Name BASE_GENMatch_2x1Table_by_LeeFish.rar | # of Downloads 300  
#2 25-11-2013
This is pretty, Lee, would love it for TS2 Wink

#3 25-11-2013
Thanks Karen - Michelle already did the chairs

But I never did do the table...

#4 25-11-2013
It is a very versatile chair Smile

Now I'd better get back to work Wink


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