stackable box placeable on tables and counters?
Hello, yet another new mesh in the works, yet another question! I was wondering, is it possible to make stackable boxes placeable on tables and counters? I'm working on a stackable deco piece. I have already finished the mesh and now have to make it stackable in the game. Ideally, I would prefer to make it base game compatible, but the only stackable item I could find in the game that mimicked the properties I needed was the OFB stackable display box. I tested to see if it could be placed on tables and chairs and x____x it cannot be placed on tables at all. Furthermore, it can only be placed on counters with the moveobjectsoncheat.
Does anyone have any suggestions or tutorial links that they'd be willing to point me to? I'd love to be able to finish this by tonight if possible! Unfortunately, it's a gift so I cannot post the mesh or pictures of it. I did however take shots of the box with moveobjects on, so that you can see the table and counter example.
Does anyone have any suggestions or tutorial links that they'd be willing to point me to? I'd love to be able to finish this by tonight if possible! Unfortunately, it's a gift so I cannot post the mesh or pictures of it. I did however take shots of the box with moveobjects on, so that you can see the table and counter example.
nanashi, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Aug 2013.
Hmmm, this could be something in the BHAV - I know echo made some stackable chairs, but I dont know if she ever released them to the public. I think you may well have to clone the crate as a self referencing object and look in the init BHAV and add placeable on surfaces flags. Then you will have to look in the BHAV for the guid - there is something needed for sure; I am not 100% certain if it is the category it looks for or the guid, but that is how I would approach it.
There is a set of flags (don't remember where exactly, but can be (re-)set via the init BHAV), that defines where an object can be placed. Multiple flags can be set to allow placement on several surfaces. If the top of te box is itself also defined as such a surface (with a slot to put stuff on), then other boxes would stack on top of it.
So I'd say, examine the inits of some objects to get clues on how to find these flags...
So I'd say, examine the inits of some objects to get clues on how to find these flags...
BO is right, you set the placement in the init. If you set the op code to 2 (a.k.a. the most useful primitive of them all), in the wizard you'll find different placement flags (among other things) as well as a fellow called "allowed height flags" - he's the one you want. Set the flag to literal "table". Et voilà, your object can now be placed on tables. 
The BHAV should look as follows when you're done (click for larger):

The BHAV should look as follows when you're done (click for larger):
Cheers! I really appreciate everyone's tips. I am able to place end tables on top of each other, but I can't get the stackables to work once they become placeable unfortunately. That saidk I will try to make the object work with just an end table--the advantage to that is that I can make it base game compatible, but I need to make sure that I can create useable slots.
Update: ended up using a base game end table, and it went beyond my expectations. It's doesn't follow the same 'stackable' pattern as the stackable box, but rather the IKEA helmer drawer stacking pattern. And like the helmer drawer, stacking is unlimited and extra useable slots are working. Thank you guys so much for your valuable input! I wouldn't have been able to do this without your help as I was unable to query any additional information without first finding what to query for.
@BoilingOil - "So I'd say, examine the inits of some objects to get clues on how to find these flags... " <-- this was spot on. Thank you.
To save time -- if anyone is looking for the same information, here are the MTS links that I found to supplement the information on this thread:
I used a constant value rather than the literal after not getting any results, but didn't see any results with that value either until I inserted a 'weight' line. So I'm guessing that the weight line is the glue that holds all the allowed height flags together. Also, originally I cloned the stackable box object which has multiple inits so checking the OBJF was vital for that; that additional instruction doesn't matter for the base game end table though.
Again thank you very much! I was able to finish my project ^___^
Update: ended up using a base game end table, and it went beyond my expectations. It's doesn't follow the same 'stackable' pattern as the stackable box, but rather the IKEA helmer drawer stacking pattern. And like the helmer drawer, stacking is unlimited and extra useable slots are working. Thank you guys so much for your valuable input! I wouldn't have been able to do this without your help as I was unable to query any additional information without first finding what to query for.
@BoilingOil - "So I'd say, examine the inits of some objects to get clues on how to find these flags... " <-- this was spot on. Thank you.
To save time -- if anyone is looking for the same information, here are the MTS links that I found to supplement the information on this thread:
I used a constant value rather than the literal after not getting any results, but didn't see any results with that value either until I inserted a 'weight' line. So I'm guessing that the weight line is the glue that holds all the allowed height flags together. Also, originally I cloned the stackable box object which has multiple inits so checking the OBJF was vital for that; that additional instruction doesn't matter for the base game end table though.
Again thank you very much! I was able to finish my project ^___^
I'm glad my info was helpful, Nanashi. That's more than I expected...
Here's something else, though. If the topside of your stackable has multiple slots, make sure slot 1 is the center slot, in the middle of the top surface, and have it face to the frontside of the box. It should make stacking easy and predictable.
Weight: the weight of an object must not exceed the weight allowance of a slot, or placement will be prevented. It might - for example - be possible to allow a greater weight in the center slot, and a lesser weight in others. As long as your box itself weighs less than the center slot allowance, it should continue to work...
Your weight line - 0 - makes that this box can even be fitted in decorative slots, and I'm not sure if that's the best idea. Try to find more different values for weight, see if you can narrow down and specify placement better that way.
Here's something else, though. If the topside of your stackable has multiple slots, make sure slot 1 is the center slot, in the middle of the top surface, and have it face to the frontside of the box. It should make stacking easy and predictable.
Weight: the weight of an object must not exceed the weight allowance of a slot, or placement will be prevented. It might - for example - be possible to allow a greater weight in the center slot, and a lesser weight in others. As long as your box itself weighs less than the center slot allowance, it should continue to work...
Your weight line - 0 - makes that this box can even be fitted in decorative slots, and I'm not sure if that's the best idea. Try to find more different values for weight, see if you can narrow down and specify placement better that way.
Thank you very much for the tip as I am definitely going to explore the options of how to place things further during my winter holiday. For this item, if it is treated like a deco item then that would be fore the best because it's a psuedo deco item. Now that I've sent the file out, here is a screenie I posted on my tumblr:
This end-table object has 3 slots for placement and 1 slot for stacking, but as you can see it really is just a functional deco item rather than a proper end table.
This end-table object has 3 slots for placement and 1 slot for stacking, but as you can see it really is just a functional deco item rather than a proper end table.
nanashi, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Aug 2013.