Elvis is alive?
#1 13-12-2013 
David Thibault Singing Elvis - Blue Christmas

And his only 16 years old!

And since we got to Elvis-discussion, i might as well ask: what is your favorite song by Elvis?

I personally love In the Ghetto Smile
magicslippers, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Oct 2013.

A screaming gravity cat (during daylight only) ☀☀☀

#2 13-12-2013 
Fave Elvis song? Suspicious Minds of course.

Though I always did like Burning Love (I'm just a hunka-hunka-hunka burning fish......)

And Moody Blue - is just SO cheesy and Elvis-y

Thank ya - thank ya ver'much Big Grin

* leefish denies any level of fandom of Elvis.

#3 13-12-2013 
ok if we're going for cheesiness.... I'm going to step up with my ultimate favourite Elvis - I can't help falling in Love with You.

* joins with Leefish in denying any fandom in Elvis Presley.... although she could play this one on the guitar and used to cry to it in her teens.

#4 13-12-2013 
I lurved Elvis when I was a teenager and was oh so sad when he died Sad

One of my favourite songs was Wooden Heart, and I must admit In the Ghetto is very moving. Isn't there one about a dog too? And Kiri's favourite is one I sang during my singing lessons Big Grin

I used to have a huge mirror in my room with an image of Elvis on it!
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#5 13-12-2013 
I saw this boy on the news today! I was extremely shocked by his voice.
My mum's jaw dropped, and she murmured, "This boy is going to be the new Elvis, no doubt."
I personally never actually listened to Elvis, sorry!

#6 13-12-2013 
He's not always in tune tho. But sounds a lot like Elvis.
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#7 13-12-2013 
But that voice at his age... Amazing...

#8 13-12-2013 
Wow, he sounds exactly like Elvis! It's a bit odd actually, like the super deep voice and 16 year old face just don't match up! Tongue

#9 14-12-2013 
fansee Wrote:It's a bit odd actually, like the super deep voice and 16 year old face just don't match up!
I thought the same thing.

It's hard to pick a favourite Elvis song but I'd have to go with If I Can Dream thenTeddy Bear followed closely by every other song he sang.


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