For BO - my HCDU reports
#1 20-01-2014 
Hi BO - Thank you for looking at this for me!
Some of the conflicts that I know are OK are marked; I put CONFOK - or something to that affect, at the end of the file name.

Thanks <3

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Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
My Etsy shop
Time flies like an arrow ~ fruit flies like a banana
Ah, well... there is that
So, you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

#2 20-01-2014 
It's my pleasure to try and help out, Cat. Don't worry about it Smile

Ok, I've taken a quick look, From what I see, It would probably be best to remove argon-instrument hack, because it causes way too many conflicts, and in all those cases it will not run anyway, because the other mods load after it, and will therefor win!

Second, I advise you NOT to put mods made by one person in the folder of another. Keep all mods from the same author together in the same folder, so they will load in the order as intended by the creator. For that same reason, it's usually NOT a good idea to change mod names UNLESS the author of said mod advises it for specific situations.

There are a few modders, for whose mods I have special recommendations:

Pescado was about the first to start modding for TS2, but also the first to quit. Also, he NEVER considered what the mods from other people did, because they were not awesome by his standards. therefor, his mods are best loaded first, and I would advise putting them in a folder named !FFS or !Pescado. (yes, that is WITH an exclamation mark in front.)
My own mods are usually written to take into account the effect of mods that might conflict with them, so my mods should usually load last. Put them in a folder named zzzBoilingOil or zzzBO.
Cyjon is one of the few great modders that is still active, and some of his latest mods should therefor override mine in case of conflict. These mods should go in zzzzCyjon. but the older ones should go in zzCyjon, so they override everything except my own mods.

I myself have well over 500 hacks in my mods & hacks folder, but only some 20-odd conflicts. Your 80-plus conflicts are too many,

Make a zipped backup of your current hacks folder, and then clean the folder up according to the tips in this post. When done, rerun the HCDU and attach the new report, so I can take another look.

Oh, another tip: throw out Squinge's FeedBaby mod. My mod works WITHOUT his!

#3 20-01-2014 
Ok - Thank you!!! I had a feeling 80+ conflicts was a problem...

~The Argon instrument hacks - without them, can sims still play the instruments? Total builder here; but, I want to start playing...
~Do the folders load before or after all the loose hacks in my hack folder? I have one hack folder that houses all of my single hacks plus has 7 or 8 subfolders containing different creators' stuff.

Off to go clean.... I'll report back in a bit. Thank YOU!
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
My Etsy shop
Time flies like an arrow ~ fruit flies like a banana
Ah, well... there is that
So, you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

#4 21-01-2014 
You're welcome ,Cat Smile

You also have Squinge's noautonomousinstruments in your hacks (and it loads after argon's hack), so I'd say sims could still play instruments, but only if you tell them to.

There is no need to have two or three hacks all trying to do the same thing. Only the last one loading will work anyway, so the others will just use up memory and CPU time.
As far as I know, any hacks that reside in the main hacks folder, outside the subfolders, load AFTER everything in the subfolders.

The trick is, that the game usually loads everything in alphabetical order. Or more precisely: it loads everything in the same order in which Windows explorer usually lists them by default. That is: Subfolders first, in alphabetical order, and loose files later in the same order. And within each subfolder, it will follow the same procedure.

I'll be waiting here for the next report Wink

#5 21-01-2014 
Alrighty then... that brought it down to 64 conflicts.
I'm sure I have multiple hacks all trying to do the same thing in here...
Can you tell by looking at the report the ones that are essentially duplicates? Or do I need to go back to each ones 'read me' file (if there is one - I know Pescado's are pretty useless!) and try to figure it out?

Thank YOU!!!

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.txt  hackreport.txt (Size: 20.92 KB / Downloads: 1016)
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
My Etsy shop
Time flies like an arrow ~ fruit flies like a banana
Ah, well... there is that
So, you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

#6 21-01-2014 
Hi Cat,

First, let's start by removing some files that I found you don't need.

1. For some reason, your system loads the mods from the main hacks folder BEFORE the hacks from the subfolders. This is not regular behavior, so I suggest putting these hacks in a folder named zzzzLoadlast. Do this first!
2. As I said in a previous post, get rid of Squinge's FeedBaby.package. My BO - Feed Baby works without Squinge's mod. You really need only one of these, and mine is an improvement over Squinge's.
3. Delete Squinge's nometsubject.package. My BO - No Trash Memories already does that job AND a lot of other extra stuff.
4. Move Squinge's Bottomlessbirdfood to the zzzzLoadlast folder and remove the 'loadafterTJCagedPetFixes' bit from that filename.
5. Move Squinge's WatchKidsEnabled mod to the zzzzLoadlast folder, and remove that entire book you added to its name.
6. Remove Squinge's NoAutoInstruments.package. Cyjon's CJPracticePerformChanges already limits autonomy, and the rest of Squinge's mod conflicts with my BO - Music & Dance Fixes.

The next step is to fix some rename things. You've added z's to some names of my mods, please remove those to make sure the mods load in the correct order.
Also remove the z from the folder for Squinge's hacks. You're really better off if TJ's mods load after Squinge's. A few of Squinge's mods that need to load after TJ's, have been moved to the zzzzLoadlast folder.

Reading up on the read-me files will become difficult, seeing as how many filenames you've changed. There is no way to be sure of the original filenames this way, so it's hard to look up on the internet. But yes, that would be the best. Try removing all those additions such as CONF-OK, or Loadbeforexxxs or Loadafteryyys. They make the report a bit hard to read, and I'm certainly not going to retype all that extra junk in my instructions to clean up your hacks folder. Also remove the bit saying 'sHacks' or 'sMods' or 'sFixes' or 'sTweaks' from all the folder names. It's best to not make folder- or filenames any longer than needed, because the game has a limit to maximum filename length. Those folders are in zzHacks-BASIC, so we already know that they contain hacks and such.

When this list is done, I'd like to look at a new report again to see what i've missed Wink

Good luck,


#7 21-01-2014 
Done - so far... Wink
That got it down to 50 conflicts.
Thank you SOOOOOO much for thinking this through for me. I am forever in your debt!

Here's the latest:

Attached File(s)
.txt  hackreport.txt (Size: 16.12 KB / Downloads: 794)
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
My Etsy shop
Time flies like an arrow ~ fruit flies like a banana
Ah, well... there is that
So, you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

#8 21-01-2014 
Yay! This looks a lot better and much more manageable.

Now there's only a few more items to look at, and then we're done Wink

1. I see two packages named 'shiftcurtains.package' and 'shiftcurtains2.package'. I think you must make sure that these are really different packages. Do they have different file sizes and file dates? If they are identical, I would say you need to delete one of them.
2. Many people that I know, have had problems getting things to work properly with a mod like 'df_allow_kitten_puppy_toddler_riders.package'. So please be absolutely sure that you need what that mod does, and if it gives any issues when playing, remove it.
3. SimWardrobe's sw-Freetime-NPC-phonebook-Fix.package is built into my BO - Phone Make-over.package. So you can remove the sw-Freetime-NPC-phonebook-Fix.
4. You have djFade's djssomechanceofplantsim.package AND Cyjon's CJ-PlantsimFix.package. Please check the descriptions of these to mods, because I think they will not work together. The one that loads first will do nothing at all, and could thus better be leted.
5. You have both Squinge's peestandinghack.package AND TJ's Always Flush Toilets - Was Hand-NP.package. I *think* that only one of them will work at any time, so it's possible that you should delete one of them.
6. In the zzzzLoadlast folder, I see two mods about spiral stairs. Can you check who made these, because I think the ZW version is an edited version of the other one. If I am right, you only need the ZW version, which I think was made by Zirconia Wolf at Simbology Smile (I know, because I helped her a little...)

Apart from the above six small issues, I think everything is in tip-top shape now.

I hope you'll have a blast playing the game, Cat. But in case you ever run into troubles, please feel free to ask for my assistance once more. Smile

#9 21-01-2014 
YAY! Wink

The 'shiftcurtains' - are different sizes. They look the same inside except for the 'offset' and 'size' 0x0...#s. I think they are to make the older maxis curtains shiftable - ones that maybe Maxis left out of the AL/shift-ability?

I kept Cyjon's PlantsimFIX.
And, for now, booth Squinge's peestandinghack AND TJ's Always Flush Toilets-WashHand-NP are in. I'm going to check in game - if my sims pee while standing, then both hacks are working - correct? If they don't, then TJ's hack is working and Squinge's is deletable.

Zirconia Wolf's TPK mod is the one I want - yes, it's based on Beck's but adds an extra check for walking ability. I found the other file and X'd it Wink

OK. Whew! Thank you SOOOOO much! I'll bake you some virtual brownies - or would you prefer a scotch-on-the-rocks? Thank YOU!
I'm gonna load my game now and see what these little simmies do. [I will not build, I will not build, I will not build...]

I'll let you know how it goes! Big Grin YAY!
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. Angel
My Etsy shop
Time flies like an arrow ~ fruit flies like a banana
Ah, well... there is that
So, you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?

#10 22-01-2014 
The way it is now, with TJ's mod loading after Squinge's peestanding, only TJ's mod will work. In many cases, male sims will still pee standing - no mod is needed for that.
How do I know they conflict? Squinge also made a mod to always make sims pee sitting. That mod also conflicted with TJ's mod. So when I wanted them both to work, I had to make my own combined version. However, I never made a standing version, and I didn't use the No-Privacy verion of TJ's mod.

I'm glad you could make a choice on the Plantsim mods and the Spiral-stairs mods. I would have made exactly the same choices there.

With respect to the curtains mods, I can not advise any further. If they seem so different in size, perhaps they complement each other. i don't expect they will cause problems together Smile

I'm interested to hear of your experience with your simmies Wink


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