Sure this has been done a million times over, but...
#1 30-01-2014 
... yesterday I reinstalled TS3 on my new lappy (for the sake of conversions more than game play, unfortunately) and it got me thinking about the TS3 trait system. So in an attempt to get to know you guys better without delving into your personal business:

If you were a sim what would your TS3 traits be and what would your TS2 personality+turn on/offs be?

Here are the lists for those of you who are one-true-game players:

TS3 -
TS2 - Personality [Neat 0-10 / Active 0-10 / Outgoing 0-10 / Playful 0-10 / Nice 0-10] + Turn ons/offs @

Again, I'm sure this has been done before, again, and back again, but then again so has Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet Big Grin
nanashi, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Aug 2013.

#2 30-01-2014 
I really like the trait system on TS3, actually. My only sadness was that they limited the traits.

Me personally - what I have up on the TS3 page is - Good Sense of Humour, Artistic, Computer Whiz, Bookworm, Loner.
(I actually wouldn't say that I'm a Computer Whiz, but since I've been a computer programmer for 30+ years it was the only way I could own up to it).

TS2 Neat 4, Active 3, Outgoing 2, Playful 8, Nice 8 (and that actually adds up to what you're allowed in TS2. Woot!) However, I'm a Taurus not an Aquarius.
Turn ons = Creative, Logical, Turn Offs - Stink.

#3 30-01-2014 
Urgh... The TS3 system is way too extensive for me to go into... besides, how many traits does one choose? Is that at all experience-related (as in going up by age)? I already noticed Cat-person, Computer-Whiz and Couch-potato; three C's that could be applied to me, but there are dozens, if not hundreds, and I'm not going through all of them to find the most appropriate ones.

TS2-system, though, is a different story: Neat - 5, Active - 4, Outgoing - ?, Playful - 8, Nice - ?, turned on by red hair and great cook, turned off by voluminous people.
Outgoing and Nice personality traits are actually greatly influenced by mood. When I'm in a good mood, I'm friendly but shy; but when the mood is foul, I'm outgoing but grouchy.
Also, many of the traits that I consider turn-ons or turn-offs, aren't even represented in TS2 terms, so I had to wing it. I like asiatic features much more than the ability to present a good meal, for example. And a foul temper in a person turns me off much more than some overweight.

And I hate piercings and tattoos to such an extent that whoever has any of those, is not considered to be of the same species as me. Smile

#4 30-01-2014 
TS3, I'm a Hopless Romatic, Animal Lover, Artistic, Bookworm, with a Good Sense of Humor
TS2, Neat 3, Active 3, Outgoing 3, Playful 8, Nice 8. Though that doesn't work out to Scorpio Wink Turn-ons Facial Hair and Logic, Turn-off Plantsim Wink

#5 31-01-2014 
TS3: Dog Person, Computer Whiz, Coward, Loves the Heat, Neurotic
TS2: Neat 3, Active 7, Outgoing 1, Playful 2, Nice 4 -- as far as the number of ticks go, let's just assume I was born in game. + ON: Brown Hair & Charismatic / OFF: Fat

#6 31-01-2014 
WOW, this is harder than it sounds.

TS3: Book Worm, Couch Potato, Dog Lover, Light Sleeper, Shy, Technophobe, Loner and a little Insane.
TS2: [Neat 7-10 / Active 2-10 / Outgoing 2-10 / Playful 7-10 / Nice 7-10] (pretty typical for a Capricorn)
Turn Off: Smell and Unemployment (as in fit young people who don't even bother trying to get a job & expect everything to be handed to them).
Turn On: Logic & Charisma (but more a sense of humour)

BO Baby you just broke my heart, I have 12 piercings (9 in 1 ear and 3 in the other).

#7 31-01-2014 
You a technophobe?! I wouldn't have imagined. I was going to pick smell for my turn off too, but I was torn which one was my biggest turn off, but ended up going with fitness: fat because big guys in general terrify me, not just overweight guys, but strong built football player types too. I think it's the thick neck thing x___x;; geh. However, smell is definitely 1st runner up! That's not just 'stink' either, sweet smells and a lot of colognes on guys are weird and off-putting.

LOL! I like the insane sims 3 characters. They are the most interesting.

@celebkiriedhel - *envy* that is the type of job I want to do in my near future! what languages do you program in (or do you prefer to program in)? And do you have any opinion of Python? That is the language I'm learning now, but I'm worried that about whether it'll be marketable. Also do you work on a Microsoft platform or a *nix-based platform? Sorry, I promised not to poke into anyone's business, but I'm really really curious! That said, feel free to decline in answering if you'd rather keep your personal info... personal Big Grin

#8 31-01-2014 
Sorry, Michelle. I just can't help it. I find all that hardware punched through the flesh an affront. We weren't made to look like that!
My youngest niece (18 yrs) has some through her lower lip, and tunnels through her ears. And there was a time that I considered her to be beautiful!!!

#9 01-02-2014 
absent minded, avant garde, bookworm,clumsy,dog person,ecofriendly, natural cook, neurotic, wait I'm only at the letter N? nurturing, unflirty . . .

neat 2, active 3, playful 4, outgoing 4, nice 7, and I ignore that astrology thing

turn-ons: none at this point? because turn-off: anybody with any trait at all. Anybody I might look at once won't get a second look because they are not my late sweetie.

#10 01-02-2014 
I'm sorry for your loss, ritaxis.


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