For those who cannot spell
So, I have huge problems with sticky keyboard keys and am a terrible speller as well. (Even with spellcheck in my browser I fail).
This means most of my posts have "edit" on them because I see AFTER hitting post that I have spelled yet another word wrongly
. So we now have the courtesy edit time feature where you get a bit of time (5 minutes) to edit the post content without the evil edit message showing.
EDIT to test
This means most of my posts have "edit" on them because I see AFTER hitting post that I have spelled yet another word wrongly

EDIT to test
The site don't jive? PRESS F5

Oh good. That will work for me and my inability to get the download link right the first time as well?

Finally! I remember a time when I could choose a setting that would never show the edit line in my posts, though I don't know if that was here or somewhere else. Anyway, I needed that, and still do, much harder than you, @leefish , because I suck at typing on tablets and at proofreading.
So yay for this feature, though I'd prefer to have at least an hour of courtesy edit time
EDIT: (because that is how much sucking I do)
So yay for this feature, though I'd prefer to have at least an hour of courtesy edit time

EDIT: (because that is how much sucking I do)
Oops - I didn't know 'editing' had a stigma with it.... I ALWAYS edit. 
Funny story about spelling:
I was once teaching Adult Literacy - and had a student who wanted to go on to nursing school, but she couldn't spell to save her life! During class one night, I was perusing some catalogs while waiting for her to do her work, and I came across a T-shirt that said: Bad spellers of the world UNTIE
Of course, I couldn't laugh... which made it even funnier! Too funny!
...yeah, I edit 'cause I tend to ramble on and on and on and... *sigh*

Funny story about spelling:
I was once teaching Adult Literacy - and had a student who wanted to go on to nursing school, but she couldn't spell to save her life! During class one night, I was perusing some catalogs while waiting for her to do her work, and I came across a T-shirt that said: Bad spellers of the world UNTIE
Of course, I couldn't laugh... which made it even funnier! Too funny!
...yeah, I edit 'cause I tend to ramble on and on and on and... *sigh*
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013. 
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Time flies like an arrow ~ fruit flies like a banana
Ah, well... there is that
So, you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
Ah, well... there is that
So, you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
@CatherineTCJD its not the edit so much as the fact that it makes me look indecisive. Which I am not. I think.