sims2 #1
St John's House was built as my playalong for the Campus Constructor's contest at MTS. Originally it had 4 double bedrooms for students but I have adapted it for a family.

[Image: thumb640x480]

4 Bedrooms, 1 en suite
2 Bathrooms, 1 ensuite
Study room

The bedrooms are set up for a teen girl and boy and a boy child.

Lot Size: 3x2
Lot Price: 125,934

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x 6

Please do not reupload my Lots and claim them as your own. If you would like to use any of my Lots in a neighbourhood that you wish to upload please PM me for permission first.

You may use my recolours in Lots that you upload to any site. Please provide a link back to my profile on the site that you downloaded it from. Whilst some of my recolours can be found here at Leefish and SFUK most of them are at MTS (

St John's House Screenshot St John's House Screenshot St John's House Screenshot St John's House Screenshot St John's House Screenshot St John's House Screenshot St John's House Screenshot St John's House Screenshot
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Filesize 628.24 KB | File Name St John's House leefish.rar | # of Downloads 83  
#2 21-03-2014
Oooh, very nice! Love it how your campus creations have started to fill in a gap in my game Wink Perfect timing ^^

Will download a bit later, so much CC to "install" right now Big Grin
Thanks in advance Smile

#3 21-03-2014
Really awesome house, Karen, compliments Big Grin

#4 22-03-2014
Lovely house - I also like the Raspberry Yoghurt colours in the teen girl room Big Grin


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