"Do It For Denmark" contest
#1 27-03-2014 
Is there someone from Denmark? there's a contest for you Big Grin


Site of contest: http://do-it-for-denmark.dk/

#2 27-03-2014 
* leefish boggles

Well, I guess we can get klaartje to "Do it for Holland" - we need more free deals like this to encourage youngins to support our pensions.

#3 27-03-2014 
Uh. I don't understand a word of Danish, but let's see if I got this straight based on the photos and step 1-4 pictograms....

Step #1: Book a romantic vacation.
Step #2: Hump like turtles. (Why turtles?? Do turtles hump a lot??)
Step #3: Take a picture of it??
Step #4: Have a baby 9 months later.

PRIZES: A familiy vacation for you with the baby, a fancy pram, or 3 year supply of diapers?

ETA: Good lord I just realized there's an English version of the page. *facepalm to end all facepalms* But yeah, I was pretty close! Effective pictograms. Big Grin

#4 27-03-2014 
Yea, I guess you were looking for the Canadian flag Tongue

#5 27-03-2014 
Like turtles Rofl Turtles are very slow Confused

#6 27-03-2014 
O_O :lol:

#7 28-03-2014 
* NixNivis the Swede just shakes her head

Danes. Nuff said. Tongue

#8 28-03-2014 
Lesson learned, never ever leave chat, now both Karen and Lee want to see mini-Klaartjes.

Nix: the Swedes are just as bad! IKEA promised a free crib for every baby born exactly nine months after Valentine's day!

#9 28-03-2014 
I said nothing of the sort, Klaartje, it was all Lee! Big Grin
Karen Lorraine, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Jan 2012.

#10 29-03-2014 
Tsk, all lies. You were the first to use the word broody! Don't hide behind Lee's fishy fins Wink


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