• Olivier Wall Panel ~ Ikea Lack Colors
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sims2 #1
I really like Murano's Olivier wall paneling, but needed more colors (other than the white it came in). And since I'm in a sharing random things from my project folder mood, here they are...in case someone else would like them as well. Smile

There are 11 walls: 9 Ikea Lack Colors and 2 Ikea Colors (Blue & Brown). Walls can be found under 'Paneling' and cost §2 each. Everything is clearly labeled.


Nanashi (desk)
Michelle (desk recolor)
Mustluvcatz (tablet)
Plasticbox (plant)
Mustluvcatz (curtain)
Sims2Palette (wood flooring)
x 9

Enjoy! :)

Olivier Wall Panel ~ Ikea Lack Colors Screenshot Olivier Wall Panel ~ Ikea Lack Colors Screenshot Olivier Wall Panel ~ Ikea Lack Colors Screenshot Olivier Wall Panel ~ Ikea Lack Colors Screenshot      
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Filesize 551.98 KB | File Name PeneT_OlivierWallPanel_Lack.zip | # of Downloads 172  
#2 14-05-2014
So bright, and I love bright colours Big Grin

#3 14-05-2014
How nice and colourful. Smile Thanks for sharing!

#4 14-05-2014
So Cool! Love it!


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