sims2 #1
This is the second part of my Scuba gift for Leefish. A set of four stripey Recherche rug recolours using Anna's colour palette.

[Image: thumb640x480]

Maxis recolour
Found > Deco > Rugs
Cost: 325
x 11

Please do not reupload my Lots and claim them as your own. If you would like to use any of my Lots in a neighbourhood that you wish to upload please PM me for permission first.

You may use my recolours in Lots that you upload to any site. Please provide a link back to my profile on the site that you downloaded it from. Whilst some of my recolours can be found here at Leefish and SFUK most of them are at MTS (

Recherche Stripes Screenshot Recherche Stripes Screenshot Recherche Stripes Screenshot Recherche Stripes Screenshot Recherche Stripes Screenshot   Recherche Stripes Screenshot  
Download link
Filesize 115.18 KB | File Name rechercherugreckarenlorraine.rar | # of Downloads 104  
#2 23-05-2014
Ooh! I love this rug, so it's great to have more pretty recolours for it. Big Grin Thank you, Karen!

#3 23-05-2014
muwhahahah - my fave rug

#4 23-05-2014
Yeah I remembered that's why i did it for you Big Grin


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