• Birthday Present for Karen - Purpelicious Groove Bedding
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[Image: thumb640x480]
Birthday Present for Karen
Purpelicious Groove - Bedding

It's Karens birthday today and it deserves a special celebration! As almost every fish knows, Karen loves purple, music and art deco. Which she mentions in about every other post. So to celebrate this special occassion, I have made a set of 10 beddings that more or less fit those three elements Big Grin Now all your sims can have musical, purpelicious and floral dreams!

[Image: thumb640x480]

I have abused CuriousB's Bedding Creation Kit which is awesome and such a great tool. Patterns are from Colourlovers.
x 8

You may do whatever you want as long as you credit me with a link and don't make any money from it.
Please do not convert anything from TS2 to TS3 because I might want to do that myself some time.

Birthday Present for Karen - Purpelicious Groove Bedding Screenshot Birthday Present for Karen - Purpelicious Groove Bedding Screenshot Birthday Present for Karen - Purpelicious Groove Bedding Screenshot Birthday Present for Karen - Purpelicious Groove Bedding Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 1.86 MB | File Name Klaartje_Bedding_PurpeliciousGroove.zip | # of Downloads 269  
#2 30-05-2014
Wow thank you Klaartje, they are all gorgeous Big Grin

You know me too well Tongue

#3 30-05-2014
Very nicely done! Those are gorgeous Klaartje! Good job!

#4 30-05-2014
Oh,you're so sweet making the not-so-little gifts to the other fishies,Klaartje.Also bedding are nice too - not flashySmile


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