• Secret Scuba - MLC - CC Jonesi Blanket Recolours
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Go to Sims2Artist for Jonesi Bed Blanket and repositoried objects.

Jonesi Blanket Recolours - split into 3 files - Plain, Gingham-Small, Gingham-Large. 63 recolours in all
Part 11 of 12 of MLC's Secret Scuba Curtains.

As per usual - done in MLC's Colour Surge Palette. Is mixable and matchable with all the other Colour Surge Palette Thingys.

[Image: jonesi-blanket-detail01.jpg]


Rug is EA SunGyu recolour from Leefish (Scuba Add-ons)
Lamp is EA Social Climbing Ivy from MTS
All other recolours are Jonesi Blanket recolours. Smile
x 8

Do not upload to Paysites or TSR.

Apart from that, feel free to use, modify, mutilate, etc. Credit would be nice.

Secret Scuba - MLC - CC Jonesi Blanket Recolours Screenshot Secret Scuba - MLC - CC Jonesi Blanket Recolours Screenshot Secret Scuba - MLC - CC Jonesi Blanket Recolours Screenshot        
Download link
Filesize 2.12 MB | File Name blanket-jonesi-Recolours-Plain.rar | # of Downloads 205  
Filesize 722.55 KB | File Name blanket-jonesi-Recolours-GinghamSml.rar | # of Downloads 201  
Filesize 2.55 MB | File Name blanket-jonesi-Recolours-GinghamLge.rar | # of Downloads 199  
#2 02-06-2014
yay more! thank you

#3 02-06-2014
That loud BOOM you could hear all the way to Australia was my Downloads folder exploding. Wink But I don't care, I'm going to glue it together, because I have to have this. Big Grin

#4 03-06-2014
This is a must have! Thank you.


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