Templates for all 7 EA Curtains

Templates are provided in PSD format.
[Image: swatch-EACurtains.jpg]
Curtain Names are listed in the same order as the thumbnail.

1. Blind
2. Stuart Morning Curtain
3. Veil of Dreams - two curtains - a little complicated - see Special Notes.
4. Antique Lace
5. Window Dressing
6. Loft
7. Victoriana
8. Tieback

Special Notes

[Image: curtain-ea-veilofdreams.jpg]
This template recolours both the Veil of Dreams and Veil of Dreams Deluxe.
The alpha is built in to the template.

[Image: TEMPLATE-Curtain-EAVeilofDreams.jpg]
Regarding the template - the magenta and lime regions make up one section of curtain fold.
When creating patterns - the top of the lime and the bottom of the magenta sections need to match so as to be seamless. The shading has been set up so that it is seamless.

The alpha has been amended to be solid with a lace edging.
The header has been amended to be solid and square with a slight padded feel. Please note - that it is mirrored and the right edge is the top.

Resource - Templates - EA Curtains Screenshot Resource - Templates - EA Curtains Screenshot Resource - Templates - EA Curtains Screenshot  
Download link
Filesize 57.44 KB | File Name TEMPLATE-EACurtain-blindsvalue.rar | # of Downloads 54  
Filesize 696.43 KB | File Name TEMPLATE-EACurtain-colonial-fabric.rar | # of Downloads 31  
Filesize 526.8 KB | File Name TEMPLATE-EACurtain-country.rar | # of Downloads 31  
Filesize 154.52 KB | File Name TEMPLATE-EACurtain-Loft.rar | # of Downloads 51  
Filesize 62.27 KB | File Name TEMPLATE-EACurtain-StuartMorning.rar | # of Downloads 56  
Filesize 46.23 KB | File Name TEMPLATE-EACurtain-VeilofDreams.rar | # of Downloads 56  
Filesize 84.83 KB | File Name TEMPLATE-EACurtain-Victoriana.rar | # of Downloads 49  
#2 23-06-2014
Thank you so much for these Kiri! You are awesome Big Grin

#3 23-06-2014
Thanks Kiri Big Grin

#4 23-06-2014
Woah! Thanks!!!
With the sudden onslaught of curtains I now have Wink I've been culling through the older ones...
I wanted to try and 'save' some of them - the textures/styles were lovely; but the shading/mapping was not right. Now maybe I really CAN fix them! Cool

#5 03-09-2016
Thank you, Kiri, this so helpful. Smile

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