• SesameStreet Plain Bedding Add-On
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sims2 #1
[Image: thumb640x480]

Some of you might not be so much into SesameStreet and more a fan of the LACK color palette. It never ocurred to me to do it, but luckily the lovely Leefish requested the SesameStreet bedding in plain colors, without the puppets or quotes. Looking at my own bedding, I own nothing but plain colored bedding (yes, very boring, I know) so I happily fulfilled her request. All of these match the colors of my SesameStreet palette, they are the same colors as the puppet-bedding. As a bonus, I added the three colors that I hadn't done bedding for: LACKRed, LACKBlue and LACKPink.

All files have been compressorized and are clearly labelled.

Additional Credits:
Leefish for requesting the plain version of the SesameStreet bedding.
I have abused CuriousB's Bedding Creation Kit which is awesome and such a great tool.
HolySimoly curtain recolors by Kiri
SesameStreet Student Dorm by me
x 11

You may do whatever you want as long as you credit me with a link and don't make any money from it.
Please do not convert anything from TS2 to TS3 because I might want to do that myself some time.

SesameStreet Plain Bedding Add-On Screenshot SesameStreet Plain Bedding Add-On Screenshot SesameStreet Plain Bedding Add-On Screenshot SesameStreet Plain Bedding Add-On Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 1.35 MB | File Name Klaartje_SesameStreet_PlainBedding.zip | # of Downloads 503  
#2 29-06-2014
Awesome Klaartje!

#3 29-06-2014
These are gorgeous too, thank you!

#4 29-06-2014
I love these, too! Big Grin Thanks, Klaartje!


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