• LACK Extra - Basegame Painting Frames
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sims2 #1
LACK isn't a color, it is a way of life

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It has always bothered me that some of the nicest Maxis paintings only came with one subset, which made me use them way less than they deserved. Luckily, the wonderful Hafiseazale posted a humungous set of CEP-extra's including most of the Maxis paintings. She separated them into two subsets: frame and painting. In my attempt to LACKify every single Maxis item, I picked five of the basegame paintings and recolored the frames in the LACK color palette. Because yes, I really need every single painting in those colors Smile

List of objects

1. Suspense - Decorative > Wall Hangings - §475
2 - A Portrait of a First Holiday - Decorative > Wall Hangings - §900
3 - Collage in Black & White - Decorative > Wall Hangings - §300
4 - Handle and Sprout - Decorative > Wall Hangings - §2500
5 - Lady on Red - Decorative > Wall Hangings - §180

Files Needed
You can find Hafiseazale's CEP-extra's here. Make sure to read her special installation instructions carefully! There are two files for each painting, one which goes into Program Files, the other in your Documents folder.

Additional Credits:
HugeLunatic for fixing the issue I was having with recoloring these.
Hafiseazale for the amazing set of CEP-extras.
x 10

You may do whatever you want as long as you credit me with a link and don't make any money from it.
Please do not convert anything from TS2 to TS3 because I might want to do that myself some time.

LACK Extra - Basegame Painting Frames Screenshot LACK Extra - Basegame Painting Frames Screenshot LACK Extra - Basegame Painting Frames Screenshot LACK Extra - Basegame Painting Frames Screenshot LACK Extra - Basegame Painting Frames Screenshot LACK Extra - Basegame Painting Frames Screenshot LACK Extra - Basegame Painting Frames Screenshot LACK Extra - Basegame Painting Frames Screenshot
Download link
Filesize 1.92 MB | File Name Klaartje_LACKExtra_BasegamePaitings.zip | # of Downloads 372  
#2 30-06-2014
Yes. I agree!
Love the recolours - very, very much! Big Grin

#3 30-06-2014
Great recols! My game was in serious LACK of this. Wink Thank you!

#4 30-06-2014
They look great, thank you Big Grin


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