sims2 #1
A certain Simmer who shall not remain nameless loves LACK colours, and has a birthday today! Big Grin So it only seems fair since she's made presents for us all that Klaartje should have some pressies as well! Big Grin

Also, to my embarassment, I sent her the OFB International build in LACK... and managed to do it without CEP in, and as a consequence what I sent her won't work. So In honour of her birthday - here are the LACK colours of the OFB International Build done again with CEP IN, so they work.

And the Holy Smoke Stairs in 4 Metals (Rust, Pewter, Verdigris and Brass) and all the Lack Colours as Glass. Smile

[Image: stairs-holysmoke.jpg]

You'll need Numenor's Holy Smoke Stairs that are recolourable to use them. But they look fantastic in game - and so I think it worth it. Big Grin
And the good things about these stairs, is that you don't need script to use them.

And you recolour them step by step - even if you're not going to use the railing, put the railing on while you're changing the recolour, to give you a bigger grab area. Then just remove the railing when you're done (if you don't want it).

Happy Birthday Klaartje! It is a pleasure to know you. Smile
x 13

Do not upload to Paysites or TSR.

Apart from that, feel free to use, modify, mutilate, etc. Credit would be nice.

Birthday Present for Klaartje! Screenshot Birthday Present for Klaartje! Screenshot Birthday Present for Klaartje! Screenshot Birthday Present for Klaartje! Screenshot Birthday Present for Klaartje! Screenshot Birthday Present for Klaartje! Screenshot Birthday Present for Klaartje! Screenshot Birthday Present for Klaartje! Screenshot
Download link
Filesize 404.11 KB | File Name stairs-holysmoke-LACKGlass.rar | # of Downloads 357  
Filesize 149.01 KB | File Name stairs-holysmoke-Metal.rar | # of Downloads 357  
Filesize 200.09 KB | File Name build-ergo-LACK-MAS.rar | # of Downloads 315  
#2 07-08-2014
They are gorgeous, Kiri. Happy Birthday Klaartje!

#3 07-08-2014
Yay! Big Grin Thank you, thank you so much Kiri! As a builder-at-heart, one can never have enough build mode items Big Grin Thank you so much! Heart

#4 07-08-2014
You're all awesome with these birthday presents! Bravo!


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