sims2 #1
I wanted something pretty to display the Bladet pots on, but I wanted something white. So I pulled out Lee and Cmo's Fret No More Bookcase because it was what I had in mind. But it only came in black and grey. So I recoloured it in Michelle and Kate's 6 woods.

It also comes in different size - Fret even less Bookcase which can be repositoried to the big one. So I only recoloured the one.

The cool thing about this bookcase is that the frame and shelves are different subsets, so you can mix and match. Big Grin

[Image: bookcase-fretnomore-02.jpg]
x 16

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Apart from that, feel free to use, modify, mutilate, etc. Credit would be nice.

Fret No More Bookcase Recolours Screenshot Fret No More Bookcase Recolours Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 203.9 KB | File Name bookcase-fretnomore-recolours.rar | # of Downloads 662  
#2 11-08-2014
Of course, I must have these!

Thank you, Kiri (and Lee/Cmo) Heart

#3 11-08-2014
Wink I hadn't got around to adding the other 3 wood colours yet, get to cross that of my list of things to do now. It is a great bookcase so more colours never go astray. It's also on my list for LACK colours. Thanks Kiri.

#4 11-08-2014
I didn't even think to check that you'd done the AL woods. Sorry Michelle! I will leave the Lacks to you. I'm going to do the MLC Palette at some point.


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