I've posted about this on my Tumblr, but I thought I should say something here as well.
I'm going to be on hiatus from simming for a while, until mid-November or so. During that time updates on my blog will be sparse to none, and I won't be around as much on the 'Net, either.
As some of you know, I have MS, and I need physical rehabilitation for this every once in a while to keep my body going. So for the next twelve weeks, that's what I'll be doing - and I know from past experience that it will be quite taxing, both physically and mentally, so it will require most of my already limited energy. So not much room for simming.
I won't fall off the face of the Internet completely, though, I'll still check in both here and on Tumblr every now and then, just not as much as usual. And as a certain Austrian cyborg says, I'll be back.
I'm going to be on hiatus from simming for a while, until mid-November or so. During that time updates on my blog will be sparse to none, and I won't be around as much on the 'Net, either.
As some of you know, I have MS, and I need physical rehabilitation for this every once in a while to keep my body going. So for the next twelve weeks, that's what I'll be doing - and I know from past experience that it will be quite taxing, both physically and mentally, so it will require most of my already limited energy. So not much room for simming.
I won't fall off the face of the Internet completely, though, I'll still check in both here and on Tumblr every now and then, just not as much as usual. And as a certain Austrian cyborg says, I'll be back.
Take care Nix, hope you feel rejuvenated and refreshed soon. Looking forward to seeing you back again!
* NixNivis hugs everybody
Aww, thank you. Even though I know it will be hard, I also know it will be worth it in the end. Today was only my second day, but so far I really like the staff, it feels like they genuinely care about me and my well-being, and not just about the money they're getting from the county. That's always good.
Aww, thank you. Even though I know it will be hard, I also know it will be worth it in the end. Today was only my second day, but so far I really like the staff, it feels like they genuinely care about me and my well-being, and not just about the money they're getting from the county. That's always good.
Take care of yourself! I hope you will feel much better - sooner than later! {{{hugs}}}
Proud member of LeeFish since Sep 2013.
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Time flies like an arrow ~ fruit flies like a banana
Ah, well... there is that
So, ...do you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?
Ah, well... there is that
So, ...do you know the difference between roast beef and pea soup?