• IKEA Mirrors Horizontalificated
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sims2 #1
There was a serious lack of two-tile horizontal mirrors in my game. The ones you would hang in your hallway or above a dresser for when you quickly want to check whether your hair is still OK. Since there can never be enough IKEA in my game and my non-existent meshing skills, I decided to rotate the long vertical IKEA mirrors as they would fit the job perfectly. IKEA is versatile, so let our sims decide whether they want a horizontal or vertical mirror, as long as they have enough screws it should be fine!

HEMNES Horizontal Mirror
Costs: §150
Polycount: 458

MONGSTAD Horizontal Mirror
Costs: §146
Polycount: 94

KRABB Horizontal Mirror
Costs: §29
Polycount: 568

[Image: thumb640x480]

Fun stuff:
- Texture-linked to the original IKEA mirrors, they will pick up any recolors you have of those.
- Quartertile-enabled if you have M&G
- Tested in BG+IKEA AGS-environment

But I don't have IKEA Sad
I have extracted the IKEA-mirrors and made them BG-compatible! Download the second zip-folder (IKEAMirrorsBG), extract and plop in your downloads folder! Shastakiss already did that for the HEMNES mirror, which you can find at Sims2Artists. Polycounts are the same as listed above, because well, they are the same mirrors Tongue
x 24

You may do whatever you want as long as you credit me with a link and don't make any money from it.
Please do not convert anything from TS2 to TS3 because I might want to do that myself some time.

IKEA Mirrors Horizontalificated Screenshot IKEA Mirrors Horizontalificated Screenshot IKEA Mirrors Horizontalificated Screenshot IKEA Mirrors Horizontalificated Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 28.87 KB | File Name Klaartje_HorizontalificatedMirrors.zip | # of Downloads 1,461  
Filesize 63.17 KB | File Name Klaartje_IKEAMirrorsBG.zip | # of Downloads 610  
#2 30-08-2014
Yay, klaartje, love them and all ikea stuffeths!

#3 30-08-2014
Woot - great job Smile

#4 30-08-2014
IKEA, IKEA, IKEA!! These are wonderful...thank you! Smile


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