sims2 #1
For Lee's birthday, I did some posters on the Grilled Cheese for a bookstore.

I've done some more. But this time, I've done both english and simlish versions.

I'm going to be doing more as the mood takes me. Smile


Lee for introducing me to the site.
@DoeDeMee - 100 Books, 100 Artists, Supporting Literacy If you like the posters - go buy one for Real Life, and support literacy too!
x 12

Do not upload to Paysites or TSR.

Apart from that, feel free to use, modify, mutilate, etc. Credit would be nice.

Book Art Screenshot Book Art Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 442.09 KB | File Name art-GrilledCheese-01.rar | # of Downloads 186  
#2 28-10-2014
OMGOSH Smile MORE Thank you Smile

#3 28-10-2014
The first one looks so graphic, so neatly done.

#4 28-10-2014
Gorgeous Kiri Big Grin


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