• The "Veronette" Christmas challenge... :D
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sims2 #1
Hi dear LeeFishers (and the others)! Big Grin

I'd like to submit to you a casual challenge, to celebrate the Christmas and New Year period. As I know most of you will be quite busy (so will I) during these holidays, I won't propose any expiry date but let's say that roughly before the end of January, it will be time for a voting session.

So, here is a (vacation) house shell and the goal is to furnish and decorate it, also the garden. The theme is quite broad and open, but it would be good to have it Christmas, New Year, holidays or winter-related... As the lot is located in warm-climate Veronaville (well, in my game Wink ), we can also imagine a Sim-family spending their Christmas holidays in a Florida/California-like vacation house with its outdoor pool; but it could also be a Three Lakes home with its comfy chimney area or even a Takemizu Village one with its zen master bedroom.

Rules (I will add them progressively according to your asked questions – it will remain valid for further challenges of mine Wink ):

* you must keep the exterior and interior walls as far as possible (but depending on particular cases, it might be allowed to add or destroy some);
* you can change the door/window models, but the position must be kept as far as possible (but in possible particular cases, adding or destroying would be allowed);
* you can change my original walls and floors covering;
* you can use any sort of CC;
* you are free in the furnishing/decorating part (Christmas and winter themes are not imposed, but they are suggested);
* you will add your screenshots (global, exterior, garden, floorplan, interior, etc.);
* you will upload your lot...

(note that I used the Life Stories bundle)

Concerning the winner: he/she will be designated by voters (I will be able to vote as well, but contrary to my first thought, I will vote in the same way as the others).

Thank you for participating and for voting. Smile <3
x 7

No particular terms of use actually... :)

The "Veronette" Christmas challenge... :D Screenshot The "Veronette" Christmas challenge... :D Screenshot The "Veronette" Christmas challenge... :D Screenshot The "Veronette" Christmas challenge... :D Screenshot The "Veronette" Christmas challenge... :D Screenshot The "Veronette" Christmas challenge... :D Screenshot The "Veronette" Christmas challenge... :D Screenshot The "Veronette" Christmas challenge... :D Screenshot
Download link
Filesize 1.59 MB | File Name The ''Veronette'' (unf.).rar | # of Downloads 151  
#2 22-12-2014
What expansion packs did you build with? Some people don't have all of them, so it will be good to know. Or do you have a BaseGame only version?

The house looks lovely. Smile

#3 22-12-2014
Unfortunately it requires all EPs and all SPs as I built it with the Ultimate Collection and it seems that the AnyGame software doesn't work with this edition. :/ Otherwise, I would have done a BG version as well.

Thank you Kiri. Smile

Anyone can tell me if it's possible to install The Sims 2 Double Deluxe on my laptop alongside with the UC? Because I have this DVD, that I could install. Maybe on another "partition" (hardware)? I think it would be cool to have this additional Double Deluxe version.
(This post was last modified: 22-12-2014 02:07 AM by poisson.)

#4 22-12-2014
This is a beautiful house.


Sorry, that is a members only option