• Happy Birthday Michelle!
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sims2 #1
[Image: thumb640x480]

Happy Birthday Michelle!
To celebrate your special day, I have three sets of wallhangings for you, based on IKEA artwork.

Set 1 - Autumn Animals 1
Mesh: Square BV-poster Add-on by Clutter-a-holic
Cost: 149

Set 2 - Autumn Animals 2
Mesh: B-stroke painting from Nightlife
Cost: 1750

Set 3 - Vases
Mesh: Collectible Travelposter from Bon Voyage
Cost: 149
x 17

You may do whatever you want as long as you credit me with a link and don't make any money from it.
Please do not convert anything from TS2 to TS3 because I might want to do that myself some time.

Happy Birthday Michelle! Screenshot Happy Birthday Michelle! Screenshot Happy Birthday Michelle! Screenshot Happy Birthday Michelle! Screenshot      
Download link
Filesize 1.25 MB | File Name BirthdayMichelleIkeaPictures.zip | # of Downloads 502  
#2 11-01-2015
Happy Birthday, Michelle! Heart

And well done, Klaartje! Looking great! Heart

#3 11-01-2015
Happy Birthday, Michelle! Hope you have a great one! Big Grin

Klaartje, love the paintings. Smile
(This post was last modified: 12-01-2015 02:59 AM by PenelopeT.)

#4 11-01-2015
Happy Birthday,Michelle
Very nice paintings Smile


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