• 3t2 Terracotta Roof (with white trim)
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sims2 #1

Thanks to Kiri, and to Volvenom and Arsil from MTS, I learnt a bit of things concerning recoloring and converting, and managed to successfully do one. Celebrate So, I've decided to upload this mini 3t2 conversion: a terracotta roof from TS3 for The Sims 2. Hope it's not inappropriate to upload this very small thingy here. Blush

Oh btw, I think that it requires at least one EP, no matter which one. So, it's not Base Game compatible a priori, but let me know if this works with just the Base Game.

And I will let you know if my attempt to make a TS3 roof with a wide and plain white trim worked or not (because this was initially my wish). Tongue

Thank you!


[Image: exii.png]
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No particular terms of use actually... :)

3t2 Terracotta Roof (with white trim) Screenshot          
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Filesize 220.24 KB | File Name poisson's 3t2 Terracotta Roof.rar | # of Downloads 296  
#2 13-02-2015
Well done! Looks good Smile

#3 13-02-2015
It *looks* marvelous! So here's at least the points for aesthetics: 100/100 Big Grin

#4 14-02-2015
That looks really good. I always love to get my hands on good build materials. Big Grin


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