My to-do list for March 2015
1. finish Veggie Bins.
2. Fix bar stool
3. Play game
4. Do stuff for Community Spirit Challenge.
1. finish Veggie Bins.
2. Fix bar stool
3. Play game
4. Do stuff for Community Spirit Challenge.
celebkiriedhel, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Dec 2010.
amazon wishlist because Lee said so.
amazon wishlist because Lee said so.
You know, I don't think I did a darn thing on my February list, and some of the stuff on that list has been there since October, so I'm just going to start all over new. (And also on a smaller scale.)
March 2015
1. Play one session per week
2. Finish building and testing Messy Messlot Challenge house
3. Write up some stuff, maybe?
4. Keep my initial downloads folder (the one files go into when I click the "download" button) very broadly sorted
5. Install (and document) at least a few of those recolors I keep downloading
I could go on, but I said I'd stay on a smaller scale, so I'll just stop. (Even though it itches to stop -- darn these pathological list-making tendencies of mine!)
March 2015
1. Play one session per week
2. Finish building and testing Messy Messlot Challenge house
3. Write up some stuff, maybe?
4. Keep my initial downloads folder (the one files go into when I click the "download" button) very broadly sorted
5. Install (and document) at least a few of those recolors I keep downloading
I could go on, but I said I'd stay on a smaller scale, so I'll just stop. (Even though it itches to stop -- darn these pathological list-making tendencies of mine!)