Taking the Romance out of Dancing and Food Fights
- Canned Fish
- 145
One thing I was always annoyed with is that at a wedding, the Bride cannot slow-dance with her father. I don't want them to be able to 'dance close' or any of the butt-grabbing, dipping or smooching options. Just to have the father of the bride slow-dance with his little girl at her wedding. I thought it would be kind of a sweet, tender moment that doesn't have to lead to incest.
Is this possible to do? Can you allow family members to slow-dance, and introduce a family-check that would disable the romantic interactions? I don't know anything about coding the Sims, but I'd like to imagine it's as simple as moving the family check from BEFORE the slow-dance option to AFTER it, thus enabling the dance, but disabling the intimate aspects... But that's probably overly simplistic. haha...
Thinking about it... it might trigger jealousy, which would suck, too... Breaking up at your wedding cuz you're jealous of your new bride slow-dancing with her father... That might be something that'd have to be checked and modified, as well.
Also... slightly related... Is it possible to disable the food-fight triggering romantic feelings? I had teen boy best friends... thought it'd be fun to have one throw a handful of slop at his best buddy. Next thing i know, they're swooning over each other. Not at ALL what was intended.
One thing I was always annoyed with is that at a wedding, the Bride cannot slow-dance with her father. I don't want them to be able to 'dance close' or any of the butt-grabbing, dipping or smooching options. Just to have the father of the bride slow-dance with his little girl at her wedding. I thought it would be kind of a sweet, tender moment that doesn't have to lead to incest.
Is this possible to do? Can you allow family members to slow-dance, and introduce a family-check that would disable the romantic interactions? I don't know anything about coding the Sims, but I'd like to imagine it's as simple as moving the family check from BEFORE the slow-dance option to AFTER it, thus enabling the dance, but disabling the intimate aspects... But that's probably overly simplistic. haha...
Thinking about it... it might trigger jealousy, which would suck, too... Breaking up at your wedding cuz you're jealous of your new bride slow-dancing with her father... That might be something that'd have to be checked and modified, as well.
Also... slightly related... Is it possible to disable the food-fight triggering romantic feelings? I had teen boy best friends... thought it'd be fun to have one throw a handful of slop at his best buddy. Next thing i know, they're swooning over each other. Not at ALL what was intended.
Oof! You're not making this easy, are you? If I were to marry anyone, my new wife could have the best father in the world, and he could even be my best friend... But were I to see him slow dance with my wife, there would be hell to pay, I promise. He has a wife of his own to do that with!
I will investigate the idea, but I make no promises as to the chance for success
The food-fight thing is something I will look at as well.
I will investigate the idea, but I make no promises as to the chance for success

The food-fight thing is something I will look at as well.
- Canned Fish
- 145
Wow! That was fast! =)
Thanks for looking into them for me!
Is it that strange for the father of the bride to slow-dance with the bride at her wedding? I'm thinking, platonic ballroom dancing... If he dipped her and smooched her, I'd have to wonder what kind of family I married into. hahhaha! "Is she dancing with my father-in-law or my brother-in-law or BOTH?!" ewww...
Dont want it to get creepy, here. ALL standard middle school distance requirements apply! =)
Thanks for looking into them for me!
Is it that strange for the father of the bride to slow-dance with the bride at her wedding? I'm thinking, platonic ballroom dancing... If he dipped her and smooched her, I'd have to wonder what kind of family I married into. hahhaha! "Is she dancing with my father-in-law or my brother-in-law or BOTH?!" ewww...
Dont want it to get creepy, here. ALL standard middle school distance requirements apply! =)
Yes, it *IS* strange for a father to slow-dance with his daughter at her wedding. Really! A classic dance is rather common, but a slow dance is way too intimate. So if you don't want it to get weird, I *would* appreciate it if you dropped the non-romantic slow-dance request. Because I don't think such a thing exists...

It *is* no doubt possible to create a new interaction, even a social interaction. It has been done before. People have also created and introduced animations, so that isn't the problem, either. However, *I* have never done either and wouldn't know where to begin.
But do you mean to say that the Classic Dance isn't available before AL? Because if that is the case, the classic dance animations would need to be extracted from the AL files and put into a mod for non-AL users. Even if I knew how, wouldn't that be like reverse-engineering Maxis content?
But do you mean to say that the Classic Dance isn't available before AL? Because if that is the case, the classic dance animations would need to be extracted from the AL files and put into a mod for non-AL users. Even if I knew how, wouldn't that be like reverse-engineering Maxis content?
You could always make it check for Apartment Life first - then you are not using the anims without the EP it came with. I would have no idea where to start regarding adding a new social interaction; but adding the anims is certainly something NixNivis would know - or honeywell, who has successfully reverse engineered store content (the baby bouncer).
Here in the states at least, it is traditional for the father and bride to slow dance, as well as the mother and groom. I danced with my dad at my wedding. I mean not romantic dancing. Just slow, traditional dancing. ts2 doesn't really have an option that would work. "Slow dance" would be the closest. Because the regular "dance together" or Smustle are not right at all. Hmmm...maybe I've never tried the "classic dance" from AL. Sounds like it might fit the bill. Not that I'm really adding anything to this convo, lol. Just rambling really

No, @justJones, "Dance together" and "Smustle" are certainly not the right kind of dance for the occasion. That much I will immediately agree to. But "Slow Dance" just sounds wrong to me as well. On the other hand, I seem to recall that the "Classic Dance" also includes dipping. So that would be inappropriate as well.
But if AL has to be present anyway, then why would I even *bother* to extract the animations? They're already present after all.
Anyway, if I'm ever going to be coerced to do this, simply copying the Slow dance would be easier. And it would also have the advantage of working even without AL!
But let me do one step back...
It might not work *quite* like that, indeed, but you're close. Perhaps, the Slow-Dance could be copied, and the family check could be removed from the guardian BHAV. And that same family check would then need to be copied into the guardians for each of the other interactions. And there are still some other issues, such as jealousy and romantic influence of the interaction on the participants.
Sounds like I know how it should be done, right? Theoretically, yes I do. In practice, however,... well, just allow me some time to investigate. I'm not saying "no" yet, but I'm not saying "yes" yet, either.
(04-06-2015 05:21 PM)leefish Wrote: You could always make it check for Apartment Life first - then you are not using the anims without the EP it came with.
But if AL has to be present anyway, then why would I even *bother* to extract the animations? They're already present after all.
Anyway, if I'm ever going to be coerced to do this, simply copying the Slow dance would be easier. And it would also have the advantage of working even without AL!
But let me do one step back...
(03-06-2015 09:43 PM)grinEvilly Wrote: Can you allow family members to slow-dance, and introduce a family-check that would disable the romantic interactions? I don't know anything about coding the Sims, but I'd like to imagine it's as simple as moving the family check from BEFORE the slow-dance option to AFTER it, thus enabling the dance, but disabling the intimate aspects... But that's probably overly simplistic.
It might not work *quite* like that, indeed, but you're close. Perhaps, the Slow-Dance could be copied, and the family check could be removed from the guardian BHAV. And that same family check would then need to be copied into the guardians for each of the other interactions. And there are still some other issues, such as jealousy and romantic influence of the interaction on the participants.
Sounds like I know how it should be done, right? Theoretically, yes I do. In practice, however,... well, just allow me some time to investigate. I'm not saying "no" yet, but I'm not saying "yes" yet, either.
- Canned Fish
- 145
Hmmm... I never considered that it may be a cultural thing... Or at least, not within Western Culture. I always figured it was traditional for the father of the bride to dance with the bride at her wedding (and the mother/son groom dance, as well), in all Euro-derived societies. Sorry for my ethnocentric assumption.
I don't have AL installed, so I cant answer, cuz I don't know what the "classic dance" looks like. But if the solution to my problem is simply installing AL, then please don't waste your time on my account! I appreciate you looking into it, but devolving the game isn't really crucial. It'd be easier for me to just get AL than to waste your time on back-modding an existing feature. Thank you for entertaining the subject for me, BO. Will you still look into the whole no falling in love with somebody that just chucked a handful of slop in your face thing?
@leefish -- thanks for pointing out that this is already something available, so that I didn't waste any more of BO's time... =)
@justJones -- don't be silly! You definitely added to the conversation... Cuz i'da felt WAY CREEPY if you hadn't backed me up! HAHA!
I don't have AL installed, so I cant answer, cuz I don't know what the "classic dance" looks like. But if the solution to my problem is simply installing AL, then please don't waste your time on my account! I appreciate you looking into it, but devolving the game isn't really crucial. It'd be easier for me to just get AL than to waste your time on back-modding an existing feature. Thank you for entertaining the subject for me, BO. Will you still look into the whole no falling in love with somebody that just chucked a handful of slop in your face thing?
@leefish -- thanks for pointing out that this is already something available, so that I didn't waste any more of BO's time... =)
@justJones -- don't be silly! You definitely added to the conversation... Cuz i'da felt WAY CREEPY if you hadn't backed me up! HAHA!