July - August To Do List
#1 05-07-2015 
Time for another To Do list! I've gotten into trying out different productivity apps and analog journalling methods, but nothing beats the good ol' To Do list Big Grin Here's one for those lengthy summer months, July and August.

1. Retexture Vimpse's hair folder in Poppet's textures.
2. Go through Bodyshop and make a list of all the meshes I want to retexture in unnatural colors.
3. Go through Bodyshop and sort out all the clothing according to my 1-mesh-4-recolors-method.
4. Finish 35/45 buildings for Crowborough before going on holiday. Progress: 31/45.
5. Unlock the IKEA Stockholm bowl.
6. Finishing the IKEA threeway mirror.
7. Write a tutorial on how to change the terrain type of a 'hood.
8. Comb through catalog and delete fugly CC.
9. Slave ImpishParody planters to IKEA Bladet.
10. Update Crowborough thread.

11. Hoodiedress
12. Bin recolors
Klaartje, proud to be a member of LeeFish since Sep 2013.
(This post was last modified: 14-07-2015 05:43 PM by Klaartje.)

#2 05-07-2015 
1) Sit back and watch everyone else work through their to-do lists. Big Grin
There's so many things that I should be finishing.. but starting Tuesday my month is going to be very, very busy. So my to-do list is getting put on hold. Again.

* mustluvcatz proudly shines her Procrastinator Extraordinaire trophy


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