sims2 #1
Fishmas 2015 - Day 5
Have yourself a minnowy little Fishmas
Let your swims be light
From now on
Our troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a minnowy little Fishmas
Put lights in your bowl
From now on
Your parties will be out of control

Bedding Galore!

This pack contains 25 different beddings from modern to floral to retro and in a rainbow of colours!

All the patterns came from

The bedding was made using curiousb's bedding creator found here:

Note: Split into two parts because of filesize.
x 27

Please do not reupload my Lots and claim them as your own. If you would like to use any of my Lots in a neighbourhood that you wish to upload please PM me for permission first.

You may use my recolours in Lots that you upload to any site. Please provide a link back to my profile on the site that you downloaded it from. Whilst some of my recolours can be found here at Leefish and SFUK most of them are at MTS (

Bedding Galore Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 5.05 MB | File Name fishmas_gift_day5_part1.7z | # of Downloads 775  
Filesize 1.55 MB | File Name fishmas_gift_day5_part2.7z | # of Downloads 688  
#2 05-12-2015
Wowwie!! Another great Fishmas Gift!!
Now that's a LOADED Stocking!

[Image: th?id=OIP.Mb3e228db65034d7c0249f075ff7a6...;amp;h=300]

Really wonderful stuff!
Thank you SantaFish, and all the fishy lil Helpers!

#3 05-12-2015
Wonderful! Wonderful! Wonderful.

#4 05-12-2015
Ooh more gifts, thank you SantaFish


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