sims2 #1
Fishmas 2015 - Day 10
O little pond of fishlehem
How still your waters lie
Above the deep and waveless blue
The silent ships sail by
And in thy dark bowl maketh
All fishies great and small
The mods and hacks for our sims game
And share them generously

Mesquite Desk (ts1 remake)
new mesh
polygons 990?
x 26

TS1 Desk Screenshot          
Download link
Filesize 366.03 KB | File Name fishmas_gift_day10.rar | # of Downloads 704  
#2 10-12-2015
Ye Fishmas Days of Olde! Another fantastic Fishmas Gift! How truly blessed this little pond, with such fantastic fishies, from SantaFish on down to the little helper-guppies! HOORAY!!

[Image: christmasfish.jpg]

#3 10-12-2015
oooo. Great gift, great song ,great additional pic by Grin.

Thank you SantaFish and helperfish Smile

#4 10-12-2015
What a lovely gift Tongue


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