Bigfoot Yeti
Yetis, yetis, everywhere!
Here's a mod that will instantly transform all your bigfoots into yetis. (Bigfoot-Yeti_DEFAULT)
There's also a "custom" version which consists of clothes, hair and facemask makeup to let you make normal sims look like yetis. (Bigfoot-Yeti_CUSTOM)
You can install both at the same time if you want.
Merry Fishmas!

Fishmas 2015 - Day 12
I don't want a lot for Fishmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Fishmas tree
I just want to be a fish
Swimmin' around the fishmas bowl
Make my wish come true oh
All I want for Fishmas are fins
I don't want a lot for Fishmas
There is just one thing I need
I don't care about the presents
Underneath the Fishmas tree
I just want to be a fish
Swimmin' around the fishmas bowl
Make my wish come true oh
All I want for Fishmas are fins
Yetis, yetis, everywhere!
Here's a mod that will instantly transform all your bigfoots into yetis. (Bigfoot-Yeti_DEFAULT)
There's also a "custom" version which consists of clothes, hair and facemask makeup to let you make normal sims look like yetis. (Bigfoot-Yeti_CUSTOM)
You can install both at the same time if you want.
Merry Fishmas!
Download link
Filesize 1.61 MB |
File Name Fishmas_Gift_Day12.7z | # of Downloads 516
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